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The last couple of weeks ago I was having some swelling and some bad open cuts and wounds on my legs, so I went and got them looked at, and now both my legs are in tight wraps to help with the swelling and heal up my wounds fast. Many thoughts it was diabetes-related but as it turns out I don't actually have diabetes it causes by poor circulation and being overweight and after talking with a nutritionist today I'm going to start taking better care of myself and follow the diet she recommended, taking some diet pills she prescribes for me. 

Because of that is going to make it a little hard for me to keep up on Patreon commissions cause I have to put my legs up every now and then to help with the circulation and all. 

So as of now, I'm going to be making some changes to the rules of the Patreon tiers first I'm going to be limiting on how many comic pages/pics you could commission pre-month down to one to just two comic pages/pics pre-month I know a lot of you guys like to commission multi-pics and comic pages every month and you could still do that but they just going have to be done one or two at a time now. I do have a tier for a 5-page color comic if you want to go that route and we could talk about doing more pages but will be a one-time purchase.

Hopefully, this will make it a lot easier for me to keep up and not get so backup with the commission which brings me to this I'm still trying to catch up with the backlogs of commissions from September and October, and with my current health situations it just going to take me longer to finish, so if I'm not caught up by the end of October I'm going to asking everyone to cancel their pledges so I could catch up completely and reopen my Patreon fresh with the new ruleset.  

I'm sorry it will be a big inconvenience for you all but I need to take care of myself for a bit.



Take some time for self care dude