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Yeah, we found out that my oldest sister and my grown-up nephew (from a different sister) both got Covid over the week. before you ask no my sister didn't get vaccinated she was worry it would mess with the meds she was already on and believe it wouldn't help with the new variant out there (which does help make it not as bad as it already is) don't know if my nephew was vaccinated or not but I'm going to assume he wasn't either. Luckily I got vaccinated as soon it was available but I am keeping my distance and hoping and praying they get through it soon and well. You guys are welcome to send your hopes and prayer their way as well.

Patreon Update 

As of now only the $25 (Cel-Shaded Ink) tier and the $30 (Soft-Shaded Ink) tier are still open as well the 4-Part MG/TF Sequence and 5-Page Comic Set tiers, hopefully, I open up the lower tiers soon but going to depend on quickly I get through them. 


Carter Shute

Tell them I said get well soon.


oh geez, i hope they recover well, and stay safe & healthy casey