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Yeah, as the title said we are moving forward with the progress with the basement soon. We decided to hire a contractor to finish most of it mainly the wiring, the plumbing, and the drywall and we'll do the flooding, the Painting, and the furnishing to finish it.

Yeah, the original plan was that my Brother-in-law to do most of the work with our help down there but unfortunately he got tied up with his real job so he just can't do it anymore. So I and my brothers and sisters are combining the money that we save up so far to help pay for the contract which is what we should have done in the first place.

So this probably means I'm going to have to close down the Patreon commission soon but the contractor said they won't be able to start work on the basement until this November so I do have some time before then of course that when they do their part which might take a couple of months before we do our part so it probably going to be a while before I have to close down again. So I give you guys a heads up until before I close down again.

So I just want to give everyone a heads up on what happening in the next few months.


재일 변

Congrats for your movemnents!