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That Right, I'm planning on reopening up my Patreon page to start taking commissions from there again soon.  I know I said I didn't want to open it up until we get the Basement finished and move down there but we still waiting for my Brother-in-law and his electrician friend to find the time to get down there and get all the wiring done and it been almost two months now. So I'm just getting tired of waiting for that to happen.

Before I reopen my Patreon page I am going to be making some changes to the page going to remove some tiers, merging some tiers, and I'm thinking of switching from monthly formate to per-project formate I might have to create a new Patreon page for that but I'll talk more on these in another journal.

In other news, my older brother and his kids are still visiting use he planning on leaving for Washington (State) this coming Monday. so I probably won't be streaming this weekend again cause we want to have some more time to hang out before they have to leave but will it gives me the time to work on reopening my Patreon this weekend as well.

Anyways, I think that all about what going on so far, hope you all have a good weekend.



I hope everything goes well for you Casey!