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Yeah, got some stuff I need to talk about with the Sketchmission Streams. 

Okay. First with summer starting up now and having to do more house works like mowing the lawn over the weekends (which I switch out with my Brother every other weekend so it not too bad) and upcoming family events like the 4th of July it getting harder to find the time to stream every Saturday and/or Sunday. So I'm going to put this out don't expect a Sketchmission stream every weekend for the next few months at least for the following summer and fall months.  and second I'm thinking of switching from taking 5 slots to 3 slots cause if I do stream it most likely going to be later in the day then usual and I don't want to be working on Sketchmission till very late into the night or have to hold off on one or two (maybe three) of them and try to work on them the next day or so. 

Anyways I just want to put this out with everything happening soon and I just want to let you guys know.

Some quick life update Dad is doing well in fact he completely cancer-free now thanks to the surgery he had a while ago to remove that tumor in his colon so that threat is behind us for now. The Basement is still coming along slowly mostly just waiting for my Brother-in-law and his electrician friend to find the time to get down there and get all the wiring done before we could start putting up the drywall and all which is why I can't fully open my Patreon commission yet but that some I want to talk about later.

Anyways I hope you guy's summer I going well this year and see ya later.



I'm so glad your father is cancer-free!!!! God bless your family!!!! Have a nice summer, Casey!