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An quick little Zootopia Fanart base on one of the deleted scenes the was showcase in a documentary on the making of Zootopia which focus mostly on the story development of the movie. which you could what the full documentary here ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3pF9owYlRI )

Anyways if you don't know in the early concepts of the story is that all predators was force to wear shock collars and by "Collar" Zootopia law when a young predators reach legal age they have to start wearing the collar so most predators make the event as a "coming of age celebration" to make it easier for they're kids.

As one of the deleted scenes shows a young polar bear getting his first collar and getting all excited cause he think he going to be like his dad and all the other grow ups predators but the collar shock him when he got too excited making him realize the cold hard truth of what getting the collar really means.

Of course Disney end up completely rewriting the whole story and removing the shock collars aspect from it cause it ended making the story to dark and it ended up making you hating the world of Zootopia from the start which Disney didn't want that to happen.

and I'll admit I kinda want to see that shock collars version of the movie and hopefully Disney will put one of the versions of the story in the DVD/blue-ray extras but overall I still love the final version of movie which turn out a much more better story and more stronger massages of prejudice and bias.

anyways I hope you like this little fanart and the inside info of the early works of the movie.




I am in agreement. The final movie was as good as it could ever be, but... some part of me wants to see the dark, twisted version of that world. The dystopia version had it's own potential, if wrong for disney, as a darker story where you're not SUPPOSED to love the world.