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Yeah, our Dad is going in for surgery next week on Monday to remove the tumor in his colon, both he and Mom are leaving today to go to Salt Lake City where they're having the surgery.  They going to be gone for a while Mom going to be there for about a week cause she has to be home so she could work but Dad going to be up there for about a little over a month so he could recover. Anyways wish him luck and pray that his surgery will go well. 

And in other news, I was told I need to take more time off from work to use up my excess PTO (Pay Time Off) before I lose them in July so I quickly took the next two weeks off from work so expect some more Sketchmission and/or gaming streams within the next two week (if everything goes well for with our Dad's surgery that is).

The remodeling of the basement is still going along slowly we're waiting for my Brother-in-law's electrician friend to stop by again so we could plan out where we want all the wiring and plugs and switches to go and install them and once that done the rest of the remodeling progress should go quickly (at least I hope so)

Anyways that what is happening in the next two week and let give all your hopes and prayers to my Dad surgery to go well and Thank you.



I hope everything goes well for your family Casey