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Today is Our Birthday

Yep, today is my and my brother's Birthday. We're turning 37 years old today (man we're getting old now) we don't have too big of a plan today, we are planning to go see the new movie Godzilla vs. Kong later today at the only movie theater that still open sure we could go and what the movie on HBO Max but come on its Godzilla vs. Kong two of the most iconic giant monster in films history duking it out, it's just screaming to see this movie on a big screen (if you can) then we're probably head over to one of our faves restaurants for dinner. 

Overall this year is a lot better than last year cause around this time last year is when the pandemic fully hit closing all the movie theaters and restaurants so we weren't able to fully celebrate our Birthday sure the pandemic is still happening but we're going to wear our mask, practice social distancing and all but at least we could do want we usually do on our Birthday this year. Anyways here some quick updates on other stuff in our lives.

Dad Health Update

Right our Mom and Dad are in Salt Lake City cause our dad is going through some testing and all to see if he ready to have the surgery for his colon cancer they should be home later tonight or early tomorrow morning 

The Basement

The progress in the basement is going along slowly but it still going we got all the walls and door frames up and my Brother-in-law electrician friend finally stop by gave us a good estimate will be helping out installing the wiring soon. 

Overall that it so far and thank for all the Birthday wishes I got or will get today.



Happy Birthday Casey! I hope everything goes well for you!