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Just the usual update journal letting everyone know what going on with me and my family etc. Anyways here what happening.

Time Off From Work. 

Yeah, in the next two week I have some days from work off noting too special it just around this time of year I build up too many PTO (paid time off) times that I have to use them up before I lose them in July so I try to take some time off around me and my brother Birthday and all, but I wasn't able to get the full two weeks off I have to come in next Friday and the following Monday but the rest after that day I have off.

I don't have too big plans on what I'm doing during those time off I probably do some Sketchmission stream maybe stream some games I been thinking of getting Crash 4 for the Switch so maybe I'll stream that but overall I just want to relax for the most part.


Yeah as I mentioned before me and my brother Birthday coming up (March 31) once again nothing too big is planed we probably go and see the new Godzilla vs. Kone movie hopefully at a theater by then. I'll probably post another journal by then on what we're planning but just so you guys know our birthday is coming up. 

Our Dad Health Update.

So far our dad is still doing okay he just got done with the chemo and radiation treatment and we just waiting for more tests and results to see if he ready to have the surgery or not.

The Basement

Yeah, the basement is still not finished we're kind of at a standstill right now. From what I understand we're waiting for my Brother-in-law friend who an electrician to come over to look at the basement so he could give us an estimate on how much it will cost for him to rewire the basement but he very busy at this time with his job and he only doing this as a favor for my Brother-in-law. This brings to why my Patreon is still close.


As I said before I don't want to open up my Patreon when I just don't know when we're going to start working on the basement again so I don't want to open it up then have to close it down again when everyone suddenly shows up to work on the basement again. so until the Basement is finished and I and my brother move down there my Patreon will remain close and I just have to keep going with the Sketchmission streams, Auction, and Growth Drives for the time being. 

Growth Drive update  

A quick update on the Haida Vs Tadano Growth Drive I did got a bunch of donations yesterday enough to finish the drive and I'm planning on working on the last pic for Tadano plus a bonus pic for it this Sunday (tomorrow).  Just remind you guys the money from these drives is going to help with the basement remodel cause me and my brother going to have to pay for all the paint and flooring and furniture and anything I need and want for the basement once the walls and wiring are done.  

Anyways that what is going on right now with me and my family and Hopefully things will get better soon.


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