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Yeah, let's face it 2020 was not a great year for everyone a worldwide Pandemic that no one was prepared to cause a lot of delays of movies and shows and games, closers of many businesses that cause a lot of people to be unemployed, and its bring up the worst of humanity has to offer with everyone. Now 2020 is officially over but it doesn't mean 2021 will be any better the Pandemic is still happing but a vaccine has been made and it slowly being distributed throughout the world so hopefully, that will make things a little better probably won't thing go back to normal but it a good start. 

Anyway, I just want to take a moment and give out some updates on my home and family and what the plans are for my Patreon, Sketchmission, and Buff Fanart, and more. 


So far everyone is doing okay My mom is still working at home, my twin brother is still working at the restaurant and I'm still working at my job as well.  Our Dad is doing okay as well the doctor said a couple more rounds of chemotherapy and he'll be ready for surgery.


The upstairs bathroom is more or less completely finish now, as for the basement not so much that got put on hold so we could get through the holidays and now the holidays are over we could start working on the basement soon which bring me to my Patreon now.

My Patreon 

The main plan now is to get the Basement finish so I and my brother could move down there. So until that happened my Patreon commissions are still close I'm sorry but I don't want to open them up while we are still working on the house I don't want to add any more stress than there already is. So I'm still going to do Sketchmission streams, Auction, and Growth Drives for the time being. Hopefully, it won't take too long to get the basement finish probably two maybe three months top at the most to get to finish but it just going to depend on how much we could get done over the next few months.

Sketchmission Stream

I'm still going to do the Sketchmision stream when I can but I am going to try not to do them on Sundays I want to try to have a least one day to relax over the weekend So Sketchmission is more likely will be held on Saturdays nights but of course Saturdays is a busy day sometimes with running errands and doing chores so if I can't stream that day, I can't stream that day but I will try to take some time to do so.

Buff Fanart Drives and Pics

Yeah, I'm planning on doing another Buff Fanart Growth Drive soon but I want to try something a little different this time I'm thinking of getting to characters from a show friend, rival, etc and do some kind of competitive growth dive with them I'm leaning toward Haida and Tadano form Aggretsuko on doing this kind of drive but we see I guess. I have also been thinking of making the single pin-up style pics of Buff Fanart a Patron Exclusive make a set of art and sketches that you could only get through my Patreon probably make a special tier for that but that for something further down from now with everything with the house is done and all.

Well, I think that all I want to talk about any way I hope you all are having a Happy New Year today.



Will support you in way I can