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I don't know how I'll be able to explain the situation we are in now but I guess its best to start from the beginning. 

Our Dad has been sick for a while now and for a while we just don't know the reason way until a week or so ago as it turn out he has cancer in his colon and today he and my mom went up for a check up turn out he having some kidney troubles on top of all this so right now he at the hospital while everyone is trying figure out what to do next of course make any better with this Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic happening now.

Anyways with all of this happening the house have falling into disrepair and full of junk that we just done need anymore so all three of my older sisters, our older Brother (and they're family) and me and my twin have ban together to work on getting the house clean out repair and up to code, cause our dad will have to have surgery (whether for the kidney first or cancer first or both we don't know yet) and when he get home he'll need a place to stay cause he going to be bedridden for a while. 

So the plan is everyone is going to help clean out the house, we're going to get the basement clean out and finish so me and my twin brother could move downstairs then get the upstairs rooms situated to make one of them a home office for Mom (our Mom is working from home cause of the pandemic but now have to do it longer to help with Dad) and a place for dad to stay in.

So with all of this stuff happening so fast it going to make it very hard for me to keep up with Patreon commissions cause I'm going to have to help out getting house situated, so I am debating with myself on whether to close down my Patreon page until everything is back to somewhat normal or keep it open cause we all are going to pay for all the expenses we need to get the house finish including myself so it would be nice to get some extra money from my Patreon help pay for everything.

So right now I have a difficult choice to make with my Patreon I'll wait until this weekend to make my finale decision, if any of you guys have any idea or suggestion on what I should so with my Patreon please let me know. 

Whichever I decide don't worry I do my best to finish any other Patreon commissions I still need to finish this month. and look forward for more Adopt and/or YCH Auction and Sketchmission streams in the coming months 

If you any guys would like to help out this growth drive is still going ( https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37294727/ ) we're about $200 away to finishing it and it would definitely help pay for the house repairs.

Anyways this is what happening now we don't what going to happen in the future but we're trying to get things ready for whatever happen next and I'm sorry for any inconvenience this will cause. 



I donated some money to you. I hope it helps