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As some of you guys may or may not know I do live in Idaho and with this growing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic I would be lying if I said I'm not worry.

As of now there are 4-8 confirmed case of coronavirus in Idaho so it finally reach us but of course there was signs of the pandemic before with stores running out TP and essential food and all and right now all school are close for two weeks at least and movies theaters are closing down mostly because all the big name movie are being delay cause of this virus and almost all the restaurants are closing down or restricting dine-in which is not good cause my twin brother work at a restaurant any they're telling him they'll probably have to close cause hardly nobody is coming in while this is going on and if that happened it going to take a big hit on paying our monthly bills cause he pays about half of it. So we don't know what going to happen if he off work for more then two weeks. 

Sure me and my mom do work as well and help pay for the other half of monthly bills but even the places we work at are showing signs of struggles. Now I can't say much on where my Mom work at cause I don't work there but the place I work at is a small sewing company that take contract from government and business and as of now there plenty of work and they are enforcing health care safety (washing you're hands often, don't touch you're face, etc) but all it take is one person to get diagnose of having this virus which is will force this company to close down for who knows how many weeks long, so the question is how long they could keep going before that happened and with everything closing down or postpone around us everyone is wondering we should do the same I know they want to keep everyone busy and all but it only a matter of time before it get to a point that they have to close down to project everyone. I don't want to get this virus even though I probably be okay I'm young and healthy enough to fight it off but I just don’t want to give to my mom and dad and that is what I'm more worry about. so right now I just don't know what going to happens in the next coming weeks as this Pandemic keep growing.

Worst case scenario I could still do commissions and all from home and who know this might be the year I have to switch to doing art commissions full time but I guess we'll see how things turn out by then.

This is more of a vent journal then anything I'm just want to vent out my feeling on the situation so don't send me money or any of that sort yet but I'll update you guys if anything changes. 


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