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Yeah it a little late but it still help to remind everyone that Its a start of a new month, so it time to make another roll call for this month Monthly Commission. Any Patrons that pledging to one of the monthly commission tiers and want a commission from me this month, let me know by leaving a comment or send me a message here or FA/DA Note or Email me here ( caseyljones10@hotmail.com ) or going to my new Discord server here (  https://discord.gg/TggC4Hp ) (patrons only) so I could make a list for this month.  


Ben Waldburger

May I please get a pic of my fursona, Johnny Pawson, clad in Jedi robes (the cloak/robe being burgundy in color) while holding a lightsaber with a green blade?


Okay I'll work on it as soon as I can. BTW you know this site do have a messages center you might want to check it out.