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Yeah it that time of year again where I'll talk about my plans for the new year of 2020.

First Happy New Year everyone hope you all have a fun and safe one today.

Patreon Commission

Ever sense I switch to doing commissions work exclusively through my Patreon page its been working out pretty well for me so far but it getting to a point that its getting hard for me to keep up every month with all the commissions. So I am thinking of reworking my tiers list to make it a little more easy for myself and everyone, I'm thinking of making a new tiers list for just comic page commissions with a two to three person limit and probably won't be a monthly thing cause comic pages are always hard to make especially the ink and colors ones. That one of the reason way I skipping this month commissions to take a break and refresh the tiers.

Buff Fanart Friday/Monthly

Yeah if you guys haven't notice I haven't done any Buff Fanart lately mostly because I just been very busy with Patreon commission and my job and other things to keep up with doing them. So I'm thinking of doing them whenever I have the chance maybe make them Patreon exclusive again don't know if I want to open up the voting polls again. In the end I think just want to make buff fanart for myself with whatever character/s I want to do again, so I'm probably going to remove the Buff Fanart Monthly tire or change it into something ether way Buff Fanart Friday/Monthly had a good run but I feel it time to move on to something else.

Growth Drives

Yeah last year I started a Growth Drive which have now ended and I been thinking of doing another one as I think of it it kind of become the replacement for Buff Fanart Friday/Monthly ether way I'm going to start up a new Growth Drive soon just to raise money to help with bills and all.

Well I think that all I wanted to talk about for now, there will be changes the will happens soon and things I just want to try out and do.  


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