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Yeah want and saw Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker yesterday night and we just got back after seeing Cats today so here my thoughts and review on both of them spoiler free of course. 

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Okay let be honest no matter how much and how hard they try to conclude on what they are now calling the Skywalker saga (a saga that is now over 40 years in the making) it won't end up pleasing everyone Star Wars fans or not. Now I'm not a hardcore Star Wars fan I enjoys the films (yes even The Last Jedi) and some of the some of the TV shows (btw The Mandalorian is freaking awesome) but overall I enjoy them. Now did I enjoy The Rise of Skywalker? Well the short answer is yes I did enjoy the movie, long answer I think they did a good job on wrapping up almost all the loose ends from the past films and given what was done before I think is a satisfied ending to the saga. 

Of course it not perfect there still some questions that are left unanswered, some of the new characters that was introduce in this film was quickly put aside to put more focus on the main characters by the end of the movie and the Leia scenes if you don't know they took unused footage from the first movie and splice them into this film and it shows it probably would have been better if they just recast her but I understand way they did that it was for the respect of Carrie Fisher (who play Leia from the beginning) who unfortunately pass away before this move was made 

Overall I enjoy the movie, it not perfect but they did they're best to wrap up everything to a satisfied conclusion  


Okay I seen the original Broadway musical of Cats at my drama class in during my High School days so I know what I was getting into when we went to see this movie. 

Now in the Broadway version they have the performers dress up in cat costumes and makeups cause it about cuts of course while the movie version took that to the next level with CGI costumes and makeups and I'll admit it its little unsettling watching it first but as I expect I got use to the look of it by the end of the film but yeah it still odd to see these cat people.

The Broadway musical is base on a book tittle Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Eliot which is a collection of light poetry about cats that was adapted into a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and the very basic story of it is about a group of cats calling themselves the Jellicles cats coming together every year to sing and dance and tell they're story for a chance to be pick by Old Deuteronomy the wise and beloved elderly leader of the Jellicles cats for a new life. and that about it for the plot for the musical version it just to set up so every song is a cat telling they're story and quickly move onto the next one. 

This movie version add a little more to the plot by putting the focus on a character name Victoria who was abandon by her owner so you pretty much experiencing the story from her point of view which I think helps understand what going on. but the plot is still very thin but suitable for what this movie is.

The songs in this movie are pretty good  but of course Memory (which is they're version of Let It Go) is the best one of them all

Overall I enjoy it despite unsettling look of the humanoid cat people but the songs are good and dance sequences are also good was well it might not become a box office hit but I fell it will become a cult classic at lest.


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