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Yeah there been some people here that seen to think that Buff Fanart Friday is a way to get free commission works from me so I'm here to say please STOP treating it that way.

I started Buff Fanart Friday as way for me to have fun and relax after a long week of working and to celebrate the movies, video games, TV shows, etc that I or my patrons love. so please be respectful on that.

The Voting Poll

The voting Poll is always a mix of characters I want to use and suggested characters from my Patreon patrons that way almost everyone get a equal chance for they're character to win the votes. so if there a character that didin't win please don't complain to me about it that just how it goes and yes I do rotate character that been on the polls for a while out to keep the polls fresh so those characters do come back after a while to give another chance at winning it and ones again don't complain to me when that happen.


This is where I'm getting a lot of the "abuse" here. You're welcome to talk to me, ask questions, etc but please keep it short I'm trying to focus on drawing the fanarts and I want to get them done before it get too late in the night/day so I can't keep answering every small questions that get asks.

beside being buff up I always try to draw the character as close to the original source and true to the character personality as possible so most of the time I have a idea on how I want to draw this character and your welcome to make suggestion on the pic and if I like it or it helps me portray the character more or better then what I have in mind then I'll use it but if I don't please don't bug me about it especially if you want some certain body parts to be bigger. Basically don't act like the fanart I'm working on is your own personal commission/sketchmission these are meant for everyone to enjoy.

Well I think that all I have to say about it and get it off my chest and hopefully help some of you guy understand the idea behind Buff Fanart Friday.



I'm sorry that happened to you. I did briefly tune in to the stream and I did notice some people acting pretty irrational. You shouldn't have to feel pressured like that when you draw.

Tommy Wimmer

Have you tried blocking those users?


not really, I don't like blocking people over minor things. this was more of reminder and to get it off my chest and all.


Good Luck!))


Sorry dude, I didn’t know people were doing that