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Stuart Gipp derp de derp! A derp de derp, a teedly tum! That’s right – it’s time for Retronauts to get stuck into Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s controversial cartoon and the surprising number of games spawned from it. Now more than a quarter-century old, it’s quite remarkable that South Park’s cultural cachet remains as high as it does.

Of course, it’s a divisive and, at times, misguided show, but it’s my opinion (Stuart Gipp, hi, hullo) that overall it has earned its acclaim and place in history. Its politics are of course discussed on the podcast—how could we possibly ignore them?—but every single game, besides phone ones, get covered in this episode. From South Park on N64 to The Fractured But Whole on modern systems, no stone is left unturned in the hunt for nuance and meaning, much like Al Gore’s feverish search for ManBearPig. That was seamless, right? That shoehorned-in reference to the show in no way clunked or came off awkwardly, right? Oh. Well okay.

It’s the whole F’in’ show, kids; everything on every system, including cancelled games and input from Matt and Trey via the medium of research. And of course it took What A Cartoon!’s regular hosts, Bob Mackey and Henry Gilbert, to join me (credentials: I like South Park) in this exploration of how gaming inspired the series and how the series inspired gaming. Have I got time for one more quote? Here I come, God! Here I come, you f*****g rat!




From the creators of…..Der.


I had a umd of a collection of south park gameing related episodes. Watching the psp constantine episode on a psp was always fun?

frankie coleman

My husband and I love South Park 64 and I was one of the maybe 12 people to play the PC version regularly online. I think I've played more Rally 64 than anyone on earth and youre correct about them hahaha. I never thought I'd hear anyone talk about these games genuinely. Thank you!


Weird to see South Park spawn so many console games (at least 10) and yet Family Guy only ever had the 2 despite filling the same cultural niche. I wonder what the difference was.


Stick of Truth is one of the best JRPGs (I said it) released in the last decade. Such a high quality, breezy, entertainment ride each time.

Mr. Zayler

Great episode with so many digressions, thank you Stuart!

Patrick McClafferty

The discussion of the South Park knock off shirts takes me back to that era. It wasn't at county fairs at that time, it was outside of the ballpark when my dad took me to Phillies games late in the 1997 season. Of course, most of those shirts fell apart quickly.

James Krusling

Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole impressed me so much, I think I prefer Stick of Truth just because the battles don’t take quite as long? But it’s literally like playing two extra seasons of the show and it was sharper than some of the televised stuff at the time, although I think they’ve definitely improved post Trump now that they aren’t just like, stuck with that anchor of a plot line lol


I worked at casa Bonita for…. A decade, i was there when the infamous episode came out. In my last few years I would listen to The 1UP episodes while I was closing. and still had friends working there up to the original closing. I can’t help but find joy in the massive amount of money being spent to bring that place barely up to code and truly don’t know what to expect from the eventual reopening. A side of me is like… what if I went back ? But then I realize that would be like returning to an abusive ex. But I still want to know how they’re going to do it.

Riley Hall

For the record, the "Chicken Lover" episode had a hilarious bit about Atlas Shrugged. Even libertarian gen Xers like Matt and Trey hate that garbage.


No man should ever say the phrase "inappropriate" 😂