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After the release of Ocarina of Time, Nintendo's Eiji Aonuma was given a seemingly impossible task: to deliver a sequel to this once-in-a-generation game in only one year. Well, it took a touch longer than that, but the result was Majora's Mask, a game that broke most of the established Zelda rules over its knee—and one that took a bit of time to be accepted by the gaming public. On this episode of Retronauts, join Bob Mackey, Henry Gilbert, Jess O'Brien (AKA VoidBurger), and Michael Sawyer (AKA slowbeef) as the crew examines what makes this dark, oddball Legend of Zelda so special more than two decades later.



B. Traven

Ohhhh yessssss I've waited for this one

Kormakur Gardarsson

Oh man, same here. What a way to start the weekend.


If I don't finish listening to the episode in a 3 day span, do I have to start again from the beginning? ;)


Oh shit slowbeef is back! Unless I missed an ep he was last on the Policenauts episode about 8 years ago


When I first played this game I was too young to know what people's opinions of it were, but old enough for it to be a formative experience for me. The side stories with the mummy dad and the fated lovers moved me in a way I didn't know a video game could, even at a young age. I was experiencing video games as an art form for the first time.


I don't know who wronged me and why they remind me of Zelda or Ganon, but I've consistently bounced off the mainline LoZ games. For me, LttP and OoT were stepping stones to their much more interesting and weird continuations. I still go back to MM every few years even as new and award-winning entries in the series pass me by. (Or I just play games by devs like me who loved MM so much that they just make their own, i.e. Outer Wilds.)

Blake R.

Yesssss! I was hoping when Bob was talking MM on Twitter that it was a precursor to an expanded ep upon the original micro episode! One of my favorite Zelda titles - I'm with Bob. I really dug it when it came out and was its biggest champion despite my schoolyard friends going "I don't know that's the weird one..." but it's been nice to see the cultural shift in favor of it. I have the gold 3D lenticular N64 cartridge that's still a prize in my game possessions. As far as favorite quests that weren't discussed in this one - the Gibdo researcher and his daughter really impacted me emotionally. the canyon as a whole having the most sinister vibes to it as soon as you enter and then discovering the parade of gibdos just circling this building you come upon. really instilled an eery vibe, especially when you put on the gibdo mask and talk to them hearing stuff like "one of us is in there" and it's the slowly mutating father. healing him through the ocarina and returning him to his daughter as he tells her "I've just been lost for a while" or something like that while consoling her. one of the most emotional moments in a Zelda game.


Back when I was playing through majors mask someone still my N64 and the game that was in it so I've never finished the game


Gotta admit, it's probably my least-favorite Zelda, so I'm excited to find out what other people see in it that I'm missing!

matt wyble

Love to hear VB and slowbeef on an episode, their MM playthrough was great


I never got into Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, and we had them when they came out! I played about an hour or two of Ocarina and saw my mom play a little of Majora's. This was end of middle school, beginning of high school. I intend on playing them, now that they're on Switch. I bought special N64 controllers for the occasion.


Phenomenal episode for my favourite game. I had a used copy from Blockbuster when I was a kid, and I could never get through the Deku link section at the beginning. There was a file on the cartridge that had the first two temples beat. I used that one and got every possible mask, explored the game to death, but never beat Gyorg. I’ve completed it a few times since - but if that was your cart at an Oshawa, Ontario Blockbuster, thank you.

Chris Dobson

Great episode, all of your burger-based guests were great, and I'm glad everyone was so positive about one of my favorite games. A lot of my friends had moved on to the Dreamcast by the time it released, but I loved this game and 100%'ed it multiple times in high school, and have gone back and beaten it on the 3ds and again on the Switch expansion pack. The Anju/Kafei quest I think is one of the high points of Zelda storytelling, y'all mentioned how you immediately see Kafei (depositing the letter to Anju that you can see her get if you go to the hotel for a free night), and then if you don't help the bomb lady, you see the thief on night 2 in the town, and then again wandering around Ikana Village by his hideout when you finally get there. I think one aspect that was touched on but that makes it a favorite is how fun it is to travel the world and how the game gives you so many options: I think only gliding and *shield surfing in BotW has topped Majora's Mask for the fun of goron rolling over jumps or launching yourself out of the water into the fisherman's boat or onto a little island. I agree with most of the 3ds quality of life improvements, but one minor correction is that they didn't add the own save statues, they just improved them: in the original, you could save your game at an owl statue *once*- if you re-loaded that owl statue save, you couldn't owl save again, or even re-load your save again, a decision that I'm sure was to save memory, but made it more or less useless on the N64 version except if you absolutely needed to take a break but knew you'd be able to come back. I agree the swimming was made noticeably worse, and is maybe the biggest problem with the new version. I also really didn't like the boss battle changes, especially the worm fight. Also on the Goron races stuff, once you have either the fire arrows or the hot water, you can unfreeze the hearth and get the first sword upgrade on day 1: that way you can beat the goron races on day 1 or day 2 and still get your sword maxed out.


Not sure what happened but I get to the 1:11:33 mark of the podcast and the sound just muted. I’m not sure if if only on my end?

Wood Duck

What a great episode that really has me hankerin' for some Majora-ankerin'. This game absolutely just hit differently to this 12 year old, being so full of weird and adult themes. So much of the game just feels gloomy and despairing to start with. Before MM I had most of OoT spoiled for me as the friend I borrowed it off had shown me much of it. On the flipside my younger neighbour owned Majoras Mask so I was the one who was proficient at the game and was able to show him a whole bunch of stuff he couldn't beat. It's pretty surprising how good the rolling, swimming and hovering feels even if the latter was a bit annoying. Prior to Skyward Sword or BotW none of the 3D Zeldas felt like they had any smooth vertical platforming at all. It was all either the small automatic jumps or planned falls so being able to ramp off of stuff rolling and land on things in a dynamic manner felt great. Breaching out of the water to do a roll on solid ground was especially cool. I hope I'll be able to get my kid to play the 3DS remakes before they properly play a modern Zelda. As much as I loved OoT and onwards they're certainly a bit stuffy and formulaic to return to after the perfect freedom of BotW.


Not sure if we pointed out the details of the save system, but we did talk about how you can savescum in the 3DS version while in the N64 version you need to fully commit to a three-day cycle. I appreciate the purity of the latter, but as someone who once screwed up the Anju/Kafei quest in the final moments, I also appreciate the safety net of the 3DS version. - Bob

Wood Duck

Might have replied to the wrong comment there Bob! But on that topic, I think the original game let you save mid-cycle at owl statues, but when you resumed playing it flagged that save when you loaded in so if you tried to scum it you would be booted back to day 1. Rather like the Animal Crossing save system.


Thank you everything seems to be working. I must of just had a bad connection at work.