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2003: It certainly was a year, wasn't it? On this episode, join Bob Mackey, Stuart Gipp, Diamond Feit, and Henry Gilbert as the crew peers 20 years back into the past to see what fate these 365 days of the early '00s held for gaming. 



Michael Castleberry

Ah 2003. I worked at the student bookstore at a local community college to pay for my GameCube, then got a job at Hollywood Video and proceeded to sink way too much of NY paycheck into our GameCrazy. Continued to do that until I quit in 2005.


I agree Bush was horrendously bad and the 2000s really sucked because of him. But Trump wasn't bad at all. He was a complete 180 from establishment goons like Bush and Obama, and now Biden.


Wow you guys really deleted my comment that said Trump wasn't bad. That is so rich.


Trump wasn't nearly as bad as you make him out to be in this podcast. But yes, George Bush was terrible.

Diamond Feit

counterpoint: he sure was as terrible as we all remember him and he's only been worse since he left office (which he only did when his attempt at a violent insurrection fell through)

nina matsumoto

Henry is right -- I'm an official GCCX localizer. I did the subtitles for the DVD release by Discotek (because the Kotaku ones had accuracy issues), plus I've helped the show translate some other stuff to English (like the song Last Continue). More notable though is my art contributions to the show!