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Hello! I think we promised this one a while back, maybe? In any case, it's one we've wanted to put together for some time: An attempt to make sense of the weird world of Adventure Island, Monster World, Monster Land, Wonder Boy, The Dynastic Hero, and moooooore. Ray joins us for this one, because he's the only one who can keep this nonsense straight.

Ray Barnholt joins Jeremy and Bob in an attempt to make sense of the bizarre lineage of SEGA's Wonder Boy, Hudson's Adventure Island, and the pronunciation of "Westone." It's 100 minutes of confusion!




Congrats, guys. I could be wrong, but according to my iTunes list this is your 150th episode since the Vol. III Kickstarter. Awesome work, and I've never regretted supporting you both on the Kickstarter and now here on Patreon. Keep it up. I'd still love a Sega CD-dedicated episode someday. Also, I just bought a house. Any advice on how to hook up multiple old systems to a single 25 inch Sony CRT. There's no where near enough connections on the back to connect everything I want.


hey chris check this link out <a href="http://www.walmart.com/ip/Gigaware-Universal-Gaming-Component-Cable-With-Switch-26-1542/48334544?wmlspartner=wlpa&amp;selectedSellerId=70&amp;adid=22222222228035872918&amp;wl0=&amp;wl1=g&amp;wl2=m&amp;wl3=76435031194&amp;wl4=pla-177519236434&amp;wl5=9012303&amp;wl6=&amp;wl7=&amp;wl8=&amp;wl9=pla&amp;wl10=101593675&amp;wl11=online&amp;wl12=48334544&amp;wl13=&amp;veh=sem" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.walmart.com/ip/Gigaware-Universal-Gaming-Component-Cable-With-Switch-26-1542/48334544?wmlspartner=wlpa&amp;selectedSellerId=70&amp;adid=22222222228035872918&amp;wl0=&amp;wl1=g&amp;wl2=m&amp;wl3=76435031194&amp;wl4=pla-177519236434&amp;wl5=9012303&amp;wl6=&amp;wl7=&amp;wl8=&amp;wl9=pla&amp;wl10=101593675&amp;wl11=online&amp;wl12=48334544&amp;wl13=&amp;veh=sem</a>


wonder boy 3 on the tg 16 was my favorite


I loved this Wonder Boy when I was younger (still do) and I am the only person I know who is an actual fan of the series. I loved this episode. Thank you!


Holy crap! Lol...shots fired at Console Wars. This was a funny ep though.


I just came to say thank f'n god that patreon finally improved MP3 handling in its IOS app.


... What does Jeremy mean by "8-4" structure?


I am so glad to be supporting you dudes! Keep up the good work, me and my daughter love your work!


Thanks! We're so old! Sega CD was supposed to have happened a couple of months ago, but that batch of sessions fell through and it was delayed. As for the CRT question, depends on what kind of inputs you use. Component/S-video switchers are pretty easy to find. SCART/JP-21 is harder to do. I myself have an 8-input SCART switch on order that I'm hoping will be my magic bullet, though it's going to be a little tricky since my devices use a combination of EU and JP SCARTs so I'll need adapter. There's nothing easy (or cheap) about going all in on old tech.