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Jurassic Park is frightening in the dark, and one of the most important movies of the 1990s. So, in our continued mission to discuss movies that influenced and spawned video games, it only makes sense that we cover Spielberg's dinosaur film that captured countless hearts and wallets nearly 30 years ago. And we got so wrapped up in chatting about Jurassic Park, we didn't even get around to the games! But podcasting—uh—finds a way. (Meaning a follow-up podcast is coming soon.) On this episode of Retronauts, join Bob Mackey, Jeremy Parish, and Nina Matsumoto as the crew helicopters over to Isla Nublar and tampers in god's domain. What could possibly go worng?

And be sure to pre-order Nina's newest graphic novel, Sparks: Future Purrfect!




The reason for no Ford explorers in Jurassic World is that the movie was sponsored by Mercedes. Just look at how many times they show the logo in the movie. They do allow the Jeep to make an appearance though. But guess what? Mercedes has a financial interest in Jeep.

Michael Castleberry

Reading the Lost World was a trip after reading the JP book, since Michael Crichton basically had to retcon things from the novel to line up more with the movie, so Ian Malcolm, who definitely died was miraculously revived later. If I recall he set a record for someone who was clinically dead being brought back.