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Sometimes, the presence of the words "part one" in an episode title can seem like a goof where a topic got away from us. Or maybe sometimes it even sounds like a threat. In this case, it's an inevitability. We've talked about Pokémon before, of course, but never in significant depth—an oversight that changes today, right here, in this very episode. I called in the ringers for this one, too. Known pokémaniacs Kat Bailey (of IGN and Axe of the Blood God), Shivam Bhatt (of Casual Magic), and newcomer Casey DeFreitas (also of IGN!) join me to discuss the history of Pokémon's first generation, as well as their experiences with Red & Blue. But, as we all realized midway through the recording, this is all only the top of the monster-catching iceberg—there's far more to Nintendo's opening Pokémon salvo than we could capture in an hour and a half of recording! So, stay tuned.

Edits by Greg Leahy and illustration by Greg Melo.

Music selections this episode:

  • 09:23 - Anime: Wild Pokémon Battle
  • 18:50 - Red/Green/Blue Version: Gym
  • 27:22 - Red/Green/Blue Version: Rival's Theme
  • 38:46 - Red/Green/Blue Version: Professor Oak's Laboratory
  • 45:50 - Anime Series: Come Along
  • 53:08 - Anime Series: To Be Continued... | Red/Green/Blue Version: Opening & Title Screen
  • 1:03:35 - Red/Green/Blue Version: Gym Leader Battle
  • 1:13:09 - Red/Green/Blue Version: Pokémon Center
  • 1:22:22 - Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition: Pikachu's Beach
  • 1:30:20 - Red/Green/Blue Version: Hall of Fame
  • Closing - Anime: Meeting and Parting



Wood Duck

Hmm this ep simply refuses to DL from my patreon feed using castbox on Android. Subsequent episodes DL fine.


Please have Casey on more!! Loved her on NVC, her knowledge on Pokémon & Monster Hunter is MASSIVE!!