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Hey folks,

We recorded this one aaaaall the way back in March, and now it's fully assembled for your listening pleasure. Enjoy!

- Bob




What a coincidence - yesterday I was googling Soyo Oka to see what she's been up to. Best I could find was a great interview from 2011, and her FB & Twitter pages. Couldn't find that Second Brain song tho. Really wanted to hear that.


SC3k is available on GOG, for those who wanna check it out.


You're the best Bob! Thank you for all your work on Retronauts these past 5 years!


This was a really great episode. Congrats on your milestone as well.


I always felt a problem with "SimCity 2013" was that it seemed to go backwards. In previous game the game could support scenario for world class cities like New York, Paris, London, Tokyo, etc. In 2013 the engine had hard constraints that restricted the player to a city the size of Fresno, California. Even if the modeling in 2013 was true and accurate, you couldn't help but feel a massive downgrade going from New York to Fresno.


Missing DL link


NM, grabbed from blog.


James, you can get to the download link by clicking on the subject of a Patreon post. (In this case, "Retronauts Episode 71: SimCity") - Bob


I played the original SimCity on the Commodore 64 version, ironically if I remember right I liked its predecessor Raid on Bungling Bay a little bit better lol... But I do think it was probably the first sim type game that I spent a lot of time with, and did thoroughly enjoy it.