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Let's be honest: things weren't too hot in the year 2002. In between two pointless wars, and in the midst of a huge economic downturn, Americans couldn't even turn to their friend the television for comfort—this was the explosion of reality TV, after all. But in the midst of all this chaos and depression, the video games were pretty dang good! This week on Retronauts, join Bob Mackey, Jeremy Parish, Henry Gilbert, and Kat Bailey as the crew peers back into the not-too-distant past to see what 2002 meant for gaming.



shea dewar

Top shelf episode. Personally, 2002 was the start if a five year sprint of me not caring about video games and dedicating my free to political activitivism, the local music scene.


I’m a year or two younger than Kat, so 2002 was my first year in uni. I suspect I played no games that year, at least none that I remember now. I had a horrible ancient computer, dialup and no consoles. The following year I joined a D&D group and got a laptop which at least allowed me to play Discworld MUD with the D&D group.