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Chocobos! For over three decades, these large, flightless friends have been a mainstay in the Final Fantasy series, with their roles growing from glorified horses to creations that sustained several spinoffs. But just what are Chocobos, why were they invented, how have they changed over the years, and, most importantly, why aren't they real? On this episode of Retronauts, join Bob Mackey, Jeremy Parish, and Andrew Vestal as the crew becomes amateur ornithologists in an attempt to study the wily Chocobo.




FFVI might've given the chocobos short shrift but the scene in which Edgar, Locke, and Terra leap onto chocobos from atop Figaro castle to escape Kefka while the castle lowers into the sands is a high point of the first half. The chocobos never looked better on the SNES. That chocobo racing game in FFX is indeed terrible. The controls are horrid and the camera angle makes it difficult to dodge the projectiles flying at you. Beating it is a matter of luck more than anything.


This Chocobo episode was amazing! Plus, I am excited for the new Chocobo Racing GP coming out soon.