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Like Square Enix, we are determined to milk Final Fantasy VII for all it's worth! Nah, just joshin' ya—this episode comes to us as a patron request. Well, kind of a double request, actually. Bobby Najari asked us to tackle Crisis Core (the PSP-exclusive prequel to Final Fantasy VII)... and as it so happens, while we were planning this episode, Bill Nielsen asked to be on a Crisis Core episode. There's not quite enough substance to Crisis Core to justify two episodes, so we Voltroned it into what is (probably) our final Final Fantasy VII-related episode for a while. Also joining us is friend of the show Nadia Oxford.

This week, we dive into the gameplay, design, and narrative of Crisis Core. It's kind of a weird game, but it's also kind of good, if way too chatty about things that don't matter at all.

Thanks to both Bobby and Bill! And to Greg Melo for the cover art! And Greg Leahy for edits! And to, uh, the Lifestream?

(No thanks to Gackt, whose presence in this game is probably the reason you can't buy it anymore.)




Diamond Feit

I am not comfortable with this Gackt-bashing


I had completely forgotten how good the music was in Crisis Core.