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Hey folks,

In case you missed it, we released a brief end-of-year update episode on the main feed to inform you of the incredibly minor changes in store for the new year. Thanks again for the support, and please feel free to post questions below if you have any. Happy 2016!

- Bob


Retronauts Special: State of the Podcast, 2016

Our first Patreon-funded year has come to a close, and we'd like to thank everyone who made the past 57-or-so episodes possible. And since Retronauts will be continuing into 2016 for its tent...


Austin Cummings

In my opinion, you both should be making money! When I purchase something, it comes with the expectation that the creators are profiting. This content clearly takes a great deal of effort to produce, and it shouldn't be the case that you both just scrape by in its creation. Happy to pay a little extra to support this great work.

Stephen Finley (JohnnyBlazeGWS)

Don't apologize for asking for support! You guys deserve it. I've been listening since the early days and I want to keep you around! Thanks for all you do!


I just upgraded my pledge (right word to use here?) to five dollars upon listening to this recording. You guys deserve every cent you get for making Retronauts the best retro game podcast ever. This is coming from a fan since 2007. Please never feel bashful for asking more. Wish you all the best.


I upgraded my pledge also, Kinda hard to believe that it appears the pledge amount has gone down since they posted this.....

Scott Schneider

I think you all should consider a poll to determine if the backers want the "timed exclusive" podcasts, or if they would just prefer that episodes be available to everyone once they are done. Personally, I only listen to episodes once they hit the standard feed, or watch content once it's on YouTube. I have a podcast app on my phone, and it's how I listen to everything. Similarly, YouTube is where I go to watch content. I have no problem that non-backers get the content at the same time. I also am not interested in physical rewards - I support Retronauts because I like it, and it's continued existence is my "reward". Also, agreed that I have no problem if you all were able to pull a salary from the backers. I don't expect you all to work for free, which is one reason why I'm a backer.

That black guy

S*** Man that's all you had to say


I increased my pledge to $5 hope it helps!


Patreon recently changed how totals are displayed—now they account for the fees taken out.


Really like your shows guys. I had to pledge a small amount, to hopefully help out a bit.


Fry says "Shut up and take my money!" ...okay, so I don't really feel that hostile, but you guys deserve it. I have to listen to this and CBB every week and gladly will pay for your efforts! Keep it up!


I've been listening to this podcast over in England for a long time but weirdly it was only after your announcement that the minimum pledge would increase to $2 that I decided to become a patron. For the cost of a steak pie this is some of the best retro gaming content available anywhere. Keep it up Retronauts!


I just pledged after having it on my to-do list for waaay too long, and this episode reminded me to get to it. Found a useless recurring bill I could cancel and swapped it with Retronauts! Win-win. I found Retronauts when it was charting on iTunes, loved it, and am now a regular listener of the show and reader of US Gamer. When something's that big a part of your life, it's the least you can do to support it.


We're glad you're willing to sacrifice a steak pie per month for us <3 -Bob