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The pandemic has had quite an impact on Retronauts—there's only one podcast recording remaining from The Before Times, when we could all sit in the same studio!—but it's not all bad. This week's episode is a case-in-point example. I interviewed game historian Leonard Herman (author of the groundbreaking book Phoenix) a couple of years ago at Long Island Retro Expo, but that recording has languished in the vaults since then. It was just a little too short to work as a standalone episode, so I was never sure what to do with it. But in the current format, where many episodes consist of two short, unrelated concepts strung together, it's a perfect fit! So please enjoy this blast from the past, along with a more recent recording: A patron request from Joseph Wawzonek about Sony's Ape Escape. These two topics have nothing to do with one another, but that's how things work these days. Enjoy... twice!

Thanks to Greg Leahy for the edits and John Pading for the cover illustration!

Edit: Episode has been slightly edited to remove an errant (non-critical) final reference, if you care to download it.



Grant Baxter

I just want to say how much Retronauts means to me and it's really helped me cope with the state of things right now. Thank you for your hard work as always, Jeremy, as well as the rest of the Retronauts crew.


Thank you so much for having me on the program, Jeremy! Was an absolute pleasure to talk about catching monkeys with you

Diamond Feit

there's a plug for Podcast One at the end of your Leonard Herman interview...


It's still rolling smooth to me! Keep up the great content.

Kormakur Gardarsson

As someone who bought a Dual Shock at the same time as a PlayStation back in the day, I have very fond memories of playing Ape Escape. Thanks Joseph and Jeremy for this trip down memory lane.


It's, uh, a reminder that as challenging as 2020 has been, it could be worse!


No, clearly not, since we're recording remotely. But the results are much, much stronger when we can all be in the same space together.


I loved this episode, listened today at work! Thanks for everything you do Jeremy and Bob! Definitely my favorite podcast and I love that you guys have rolled with whatever 2020 has thrown at you!


Great episode, and not to be picnicky, but maybe in the future when you have some extra content that you don’t know where to fit in, maybe just post it alone as an extra bonus? A lot of other creators do this and it seems a bit silly that you sat on such an interesting interview for so long. Anyway, excellent work as always.


Does this mean more Zoom/Skype/whatever episodes? I miss the roundtable stuff.:( Not to be a self-centered ass, I know you guys are doing what you can. It's just always more fun with more than just two people. Also, this comment may come out weird. The site acts strange on mobile.