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Our steady march through Final Fantasy's history (which we began, what, four years ago?)  continues with this side excursion into a not-Final Fantasy game which is, at the same time, extremely Final Fantasy. And Chrono Trigger. It's swell, is what we're saying. And it involves opera and museums, too, so it's cultural! Parasite Eve contains multitudes. (Of mitochondria.) Thanks to Nina Matsumoto for the cover illustration!

By the way, if you missed us at PAX East this past weekend, despair not: That episode will be appearing in fairly short order. That's good! 

Unfortunately, there is a chance PAX East may be the last time I travel to record for a while due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. I've already been forced to scrap the dev interviews I had slated for GDC, and who knows what else will be canned. That's bad! But hey, that's what this massive backlog of episode recordings I've been sitting on has been for. Some people hoard food and water for the apocalypse; I hoard podcasts.

Anyway, keep your fingers crossed that Retronauts will be able to continue as usual. Don't worry, though; even if air travel is banned for a while, we'll still make this thing work!—Jeremy



Rasheen Jordan

Finally! I remember listening to the micro and wishing it was a full episode. This is my favorite RPG alongside FFVI.


I’m so glad you all talked about this game! I’ve been having some serious nostalgia about this game for a while now and I only had your Micro episode to satiate me : D

Mark Rojas

Thanks so much guys I love this game. The opening cinematic was so amazing to see when I was a kid. Absolutely blew my mind

shea dewar

Very cool.


Guest: Doesn't follow the podcast syllabus Jeremy: ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)


I really enjoyed this one! But, the topic jumping was a bit annoying after a while. Also, Bob's funny joke at the beginning not being taken as joke by the guest was also not something I'm looking for a video game podcast.


What would Retronauts be without Shane's enthusiasm? Nice dive

Bob Mackey

The 5 seconds of deafening silence following that joke meant it was simply too clever for the room


I really enjoyed Parasite Eve 2. Never got the first game here in Europe and there's still no way of legally obtaining it, unfortunately.




Serious post, I enjoyed this through and through, but truth be told, I've only watched friends play bits and pieces of this game! I need to get it on PSN. Also strangely enough I used to own the movie on VCD of all things 😹 I think the game is very representative of Squaresoft of the late 90's and as a result makes me remember many other things that happened in my life during that time, good and bad.


We upload the art for every podcast but we have found that podcatchers are oddly inconsistent with which art they grab. Often they will grab the cover art for the Patreon feed and not the specific cover art for the episode, which seems like a tech issue. Unfortunately we have no way to fix this ourselves. - Bob


It didn't seem intentional, but Jeremy calling the LCL blob the "Christmas mass" was fantastic.


Parasite Eve! I rented it back in 1998-1999 and got all the way to the final sequence running through the battleship... and had to return the game. For 20 years the game was unfinished, a black mark on my Gaming Cred. But in spite of the gap, I'd preserved the save data on my memory card, then eventually migrated it to my PS3, and in December of last year I set out to correct my mistake. Coming back to the game after so long I was losing the final boss fight over and over, until I was told of a glitch. Aya's magic spells have a longer and longer cooldown over the course of a battle UNLESS you happen to switch armor; then the cooldown resets back to its base. With this exploit, I beat the super baby, ran away from the slime, and finally saved New York City . P.S. In that ending sequence, Daniel Dollis jumps out of a hovering helicopter, bursts into flame, then crashes into the ocean, and 10 minutes later appears unharmed. Are we sure he wasn't supposed to have super mitochondria?