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Thanks to the generous patronage of patron Bobby Najari, on this latest Patreon-exclusive episode we're digging deep into a series that gave a 21st-century Sega something to do outside of Sonic the Hedgehog: Yakuza. Though the series had a clumsy start in America with an incredibly late PS2 release and a clumsy (but expensive) dub, in recent years Yakuza has really caught fire in the West, with a new re-release of parts 3, 4, and 5 happening just days before this episode went live! So join Bob Mackey, Jeremy Parish, USgamer's Mike Williams, and Henry Gilbert as the crew does their best to explore the Japanese gangster RPG franchise that's somehow spanned 21 games in 15 years. (Hope you have 1000 free hours!)




This episode finally got me to finish Kiwami 2, put Yakuza 3-5 Remastered Collection and 6 on my PSN wishlist, and buy Judgment. Really good episode.


Mark Hamill lived in Japan for a time, and he’s talked about it and his schooling there. Also, he’s capable of more than just crazy character voices, believe it or not. Batman the Animated Series was great, but check out some of his other work.