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Right, so, here we go. 2009. Under the lens of retrospection. Alarming.

This episode obviously follows on from the Years in Review Revue(s) from earlier this year, in which we chronicled years in gaming by the decade, beginning with 1969. We ended up devoting two full episodes to the topic and still didn't make it to 2009, and as it turns out, there really was enough to say about 2009 that we could fill an entire episode all its own. 

(Think of the debate over the existence of politics in games and the terrible Paul McCartney impressions as... a bonus.)

And wouldn't you know it, we'll be recording our annual Years in Review Revue for the 10s soon, beginning with 1980. Wonder if we'll make it to 2010, or if that'll have to be a separate episode as well...? 

ALSO: We will be calling for mailbag submissions throughout the week on retronauts.com! I'll post a reminder with Friday's bonus episode, but the topics at hand will be Super Mario Land, The Matrix, Namco's arcade legacy, and Game Boy Color—please start prepping your thoughts for submission, if that's your thing. Thanks!




Ugh, starting the conversation by saying games weren’t political ten years ago was not great. I mean, thanks everyone else for pointing out why that was a gross statement but man...


lol turn Benj over I think he's done on that side


Nah. It was a conversation that needed to be had—a definitive statement we can point people to whenever they tell us angrily not to discuss politics in games—so it's good that we've had it.

Beefington von Barnstorm

Back in 2008-2009 I was writing blog posts on Destructoid talking about stuff like homophobia in games and felt like a crazy person when almost all the feedback I got on it was "you're taking this too seriously, the homophobia in Manhunt / GTA / etc is just a joke" and it wasn't until I found other queer games nerds on Twitter that I felt comfortable expressing my frustration with that stuff. I think one big difference between 2009 and 2019 is groups like queer folks, trans folks, POC can find each other and vent. It has seriously helped me a lot.


I still need to find a copy of Retro Game Challenge. Its been on my radar since it came out, but I've never seen a copy in the wild. I could order on Amazon or emulate it, but, given that I couldn't even find a copy when it was new, I've marked it as the next white whale for me to hunt at classic game stores and conventions.


“I made the Thunderdome last night.” “I made a tuna on rye.”


Minecraft is more real than food

Chris Rowland

I found Retro Game Challenge at a bookoff and was so thrilled, then lost it while traveling (along with my dragon quest VIII with almost 100 hours of play) truly still bums me out every time retro game challenge comes up. It really is an incredible game tho.

Miro Fink

If anything, I was disappointed in Jeremy for repeatedly cutting off Benj and misrepresenting the points and arguments made by Benj. There is no need to immediately jump at signal words and go into an awkward damage control mode before letting the man finish his sentence and giving yourself a chance to reflect on his words. Benj is a not a dumb chump, you can trust him a bit more.