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Ha, ha... get it? Right.

Well, anyway, change of routine here—Bob's off on vacation this week, and I have a massive backlog of episodes that need to be posted (no, seriously, I have almost 20 recorded and in the wings). So I'm stepping in this month to catch up while he winds down. Don't worry, though, you'll still get your monthly dose of Bob despite his absence from the production board; this episode and Friday's Micro both feature him prominently expressing opinions about matters on which he is opinionated.

This week, we have the follow-up to our Super Mario Bros. 2 episode from a couple of months ago. We wanted to talk about The Lost Levels in that conversation, but we ran out of time. So, we invited back Ray (along with Henry Gilbert) to go over the most controversial of Mario games. Since that wasn't quite enough to fill an hour, we expanded the conversation to include Mario's other oddball 8-bit outings, from Mario Bros. to Wrecking Crew to Game & Watch.—Jeremy

Description: Ray Barnholt and Henry Gilbert join Bob and Jeremy to talk about the OTHER Super Mario Bros. 2—plus, we fill in the 8-bit Mario gaps we've never touched on before. Call Foreman Spike, 'cause we're the Wrecking Crew, baby.




I did enjoy Mario 2/Lost Levels when I played it in little bits on NES Remix 2 on Wii U. It was more enjoyable to play it in little small segments of a level rather than the entire game. And less frustrating.

Will Oliver

Does it embarrass Bob more to know I am proud of the fact he is from the Midwest?

El Pescado

I like how Jeremy mentions games like Donkey Kong and SkySkipper not being on ArcadeArchives at the beginning of this episode just to show how long the backlog must be.


This was a May recording, so it hasn't been THAT long! Nintendo announced that stuff like three weeks after this, the bums.

Kevin Bunch

I'll side with Ray on this one, I do like Lost Levels. It's kind of a Zelda 2nd Quest, you know? And having gone through the disk version, I can confirm it only saves that you finish the game, not where you are in a run through. Just an extra kick in the teeth.

Kevin Bunch

(Also I will totally talk Hotel Mario, having played through 7/8ths of it)


Really fun episode!

El Pescado

I mean, to be fair, even with Hamster rereleasing Nintendo Arcade Games who would have thought we’d see Donkey Kong AND SkySkipper?