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Well, this one turned out a little messy. A lot messy, actually. I think we've done a good job with our occasional excursions into films and other media tangential to classic games so far (e.g. Labyrinth, Star Wars, etc.), keeping the conversation pretty focused on the big picture and leading up to the games themselves... so maybe you'll forgive the way this one flies wildly off-track from the very start. Oops! 

It also doesn't help that Raiders didn't directly inspire many games based on the film itself, and the ones it did inspire aren't all that great. Just think of this as The Kingdom of Crystal Skulls of Retronauts' media side excursions. Which makes me the Shia Lebeouf of classic games podcasting, I guess. 

Anyway, episode description: Jeremy, Chris, and Benj take a wildly disorganized (one might say "postmodern") journey through the original adventure of Indiana Jones... and eventually remember to touch on the games based on the film, too.




I love these episodes and I didn't mind the digression at all!


Yeah, digression is what makes these fun? (Although the guy at the beginnning of Last Crusade is _not_ Abner Ravenwood, come the heck on.) This was good, you don't need to apologize for it!


I looked it up, and the dude was supposed to be Ravenwood originally but ended up being some rando in the final script. Trivia!