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As promised (!?), this week's advance episode comes in a bit on the late side due to my travel schedule. On the plus side, the balance of this delay is a really great, in-depth episode on the history of Shantae with Matt Bozon that'll go up in a few weeks (as well as a second WayForward episode to follow!). In the meantime, here's an entirely different developer interview: A conversation with Tom Happ and Dan Adelman about the creation and design of Axiom Verge. I've been trying to line up interview opportunities with developers all year, and they're finally starting to fall into place… so my hope is that you enjoy getting insights into the creation of games from the people who made them, because there'll be many more to come in 2018 if I have my druthers. So… enjoy! And I'll do my best to get the next few episodes up a little early to balance out the delay this week. — Jeremy



Kormakur Gardarsson

Good episode, looking forward to more in this vein, looking at newer retro-inspired games. Also, kudos to Jeremy for another brave attempt at pronouncing my name!

Jeremy Parish

Great! I've already recorded Steamworld and Mummy Demastered, with more to come in 2018, I hope.

Eino Keskitalo

It was pretty funny to hear the letters song in an otherwise quite serious episode. Anyway, I had two hours of Axiom Verge under my belt before listening, I got a bunch more appreciation/curiosity of the game from the interview and now I just played two more, and found it very rewarding. The (first?) big room boss was pretty fun, and the lab coat powerup that is found right after that I did not expect, much to my enjoyment. The glitch gun is also something new, and thanks to things like these the game has a sense of mystery and unpredictability which I realized I'm missing the more game-literate I become. That is, so far, the biggest reward playing Axiom Verge is giving me.