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I keep going back and forth on whether or not I should put an apostrophe in "collectors"…

Anyway, welcome to the latest episode! This was a fun and interesting one to put together, because it was really a free-form conversation without a lot of advance planning — it's a topic all four participants (myself, Bob, Chris Kohler, and Steve Lin) have thought about, lived, and approached from different angles. Plus, the back half of the episode is pretty much us using your letters as a springboard for additional conversation. It's a lively chat with a pleasant lived-in feel to it.

And if you feel like you're missing out on opportunities to contribute to these listener mail segments, well, I have good news for you: I'll be putting out a call for letters every day this week on retronauts.com as we will be recording something like eight or nine episodes within the coming week — so keep an eye on the site for your chance to share your own thoughts!

Episode description: High-grade game collectors Chris Kohler and Steve Lin drop by to discuss the wild ride that is the rapid inflation of classic games in the collector's aftermarket. Pine for the days when a Super Mario cartridge cost 25¢ instead of $25…



Robert Negoesco

It sounded like Chris Kohler was trying to convince himself that there was no one out there who will want to obtain complete collections of PS1 and PS2 games. Just the thought of the insanity that task would do to someone's mind scared him; but people will do it, because it's there. It's good to hear Jeremy pimp that Game Boy Works heavily. Its


I think we have a good model with Elvis memorabilia. There’s a lot of evidence that we already have surpassed “peak Elvis” and that most of the Elvis collections are going to collapse in the next generation. <a href="https://amp.theguardian.com/music/shortcuts/2017/may/07/elvis-presley-memorabilia-plummeting-in-price" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://amp.theguardian.com/music/shortcuts/2017/may/07/elvis-presley-memorabilia-plummeting-in-price</a>


Re: Why He-Man isn’t spiking in price. Very very few people in their 30s/40’s still enjoy watching He-man (i’ve tried multiple times and I’ve never been able to get through single episode, if you haven’t tried watching it as an adult you have no idea how bad it is) especially in comparison to those who can still get enjoyment from playing Super Mario Brothers three.

Dave Dalrymple

This was great insight into the reasons for the huge spike in NES and SNES games in the last few years [ and I'm glad you all acknowledge your complicity for increasing people's awareness and passion for classic games :) ] Although I still have to wonder why Uniracers is so cheap.


Really enjoyed this episode. Good banter. Thanks.

Eino Keskitalo

Honestly quite sobering an episode. I'm trying to de-clutter my life a bit (it's a trend, I know) and got some food for thought from here. Thanks everyone!