Early access: Retronauts Micro #66 (Patreon)
I apologize for the lie inherent in this episode's title. This was meant to be a Micro episode, but it clocks in at a full hour — which isn't really Micro, honestly. I hope you don't mind that we have scandalously provided more content than you signed up for.
Anyway, this episode was supposed to be a Patron request, but it isn't quite what was requested. So consider it a partial request fulfillment, with the remainder to be provided at some point in the somewhat near future.
As for the topic this time around, it's a sort of supplement to the recent Batman-focused episode looking specifically at the portable titles, which we were fuzzy on. We went and played through every handheld Batman title released in the ’90s (except the game.com one, because even we have our limitations). The result is a pretty breezy and (in my opinion) amusing episode that doesn't actually seem like it goes on for a full hour. I hope you, too, will enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed creating it. — Jeremy