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Jeremy: It is time, once again, to pump up the jams. Here we are with a brand spankin' new Retronauts Radio episode—the longest of these to date! So much music!

I've tweaked the format once again based on listener feedback, dedicating the first third of the episode to a discussion of the music at hand with a few quick examples for context but relegating the bulk of the music to the back side of the episode where it plays uninterrupted. Since this is a patron-exclusive episode, I can get away with doing that! Because all the time stamps for all the albums covered are right below for easy reference.

Lots of Konami this time around, because they went HAM on soundtrack releases recently. For variety, I've also thrown in music from two games about nights and dreams (NiGHTS Into Dreams... and Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams), and the episode is bookended by non-games music—some classic albums closely related to the world of video game tunes, plus one recent reissue of an old album from 1989. You want to know what makes me feel old? The fact that I have owned this album since it was fairly new as one of the first CDs I ever bought. Disgusting. Not the music, mind you. Just mortality.

But hey, what better way to while away the dwindling hours of our lives than with some great tunes? I've upped my vinyl recording game, by the way, with a much-improved audio setup, and I think you'll be able to tell the difference. As always, this patron-exclusive Radio episode is presented as a max quality stereo MP3 to preserve as much audio fidelity as possible. Enjoy!

Art by Greg Melo

Prelude | 0:00:27


  • Yellow Magic Orchestra Solid State Survivor | 0:05:41

  • Konami Game Music Vol. 2 | 0:08:52

  • Konami Antiques Famicom Vol. 1-6 | 0:13:07

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 0:27:20

  • Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams | 0:31:56

  • NiGHTS Into Dreams... | 0:35:21

  • Momoku Kikuchi Adventure | 0:38:11

  • Marillion Season’s End (2023) | 43:19

Musical Cuts

  • Yellow Magic Orchestra Solid State Survivor | 0:50:24

  • Konami Game Music Vol. 2 | 0:58:34

  • Konami Antiques Famicom Vol. 1 | 1:06:38

  • Konami Antiques Famicom Vol. 2 | 1:13:13

  • Konami Antiques Famicom Vol. 3 | 1:16:44

  • Konami Antiques Famicom Vol. 4 | 1:23:37

  • Konami Antiques Famicom Vol. 5 | 1:32:22

  • Konami Antiques Famicom Vol. 6 | 1:36:20

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 1:44:16

  • Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams | 1:49:14

  • NiGHTS Into Dreams... | 1:55:36

  • Momoku Kikuchi Adventure | 2:07:30

  • Marillion Season’s End (2023) | 2:15:02



Shrunken Shrine

Feedback as requested: I much prefer the previous 'DJ' format. On a commute I like the songs being bookended with info so I can more easily make a mental connection as to what it is. Or as my wife put it, "where did the nice guy who talks between your video game songs go?"

Quin Adams

I wanted to specifically thank you for the YMO and especially the Marillion--both bands I know a little but not nearly enough. I still need to listen to the main part of the episode because that little piece of "Hooks In You" grabbed me so hard I went and listened to the whole album ("I'll just listen til I get to that song!...oh it's the next to last one? I'll finish it out then") and ordered a copy on CD.


That's funny, fans of the band HATED "Hooks In You" back in the day because they thought it meant the new singer had sold the band out. But, really it's a fun little bit of radio-friendly rock to leaven the heavier tracks that make up the rest of the album.—JP


Likewise. I prefer the discussion, then music and repeat DJ format. I just reached the all music part of the episode and have to keep going back to the shownotes to remember which album/game it is . Given the large number of Konami albums in a row, it is even harder to keep track of since the albums don't have the game names.