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Stu: You thought the Euronauts were done with Contra after that epic Ranking Hootenanny, but no. Not quite. Because there is, as you well know, a new Contra; that being the Contra: Operation Galuga as discussed in episode 584. It seemed… wrong, somehow, not to cover it properly, put it into perspective with the others as discussed with John Linneman and Thomas Nickel, not to mention myself—Stuart Gipp. No, really, there actually is no need to mention me; you already know, it’s patently obvious.

The proceedings were more divisive than I expected, though it would be a huge spoiler to tell you exactly who took what position and who put up the most vociferous, effusive praise for Galuga. Well, I suppose it was me; after all, I gave it a very sincerely-held five out of five in my review and I stand by it. I think it’s a fabulous game you should certainly give a go, but I also respect the criticisms levelled in this episode, some of which hadn’t occurred to me.

Overall, I think this makes for a nice button on the Hootenanny, a companion piece of a sort that finally brings my time with Contra to some kind of close, at least for now. That Vampire Survivors DLC is looking tasty, so maybe we need two hours on that? (Absolutely out of the question – Ed) At any rate, expect more exhaustiveness in the future, more Hootenanning and – as if I have a choice – more silliness.

  • 08:29 - Break Time's Over

  • 15:10 - Contra Has Arrived

  • 23:36 - Shantae: Half-Genie Hero: Counterfeit Mermaids

  • 34:11 - Thanks for the Ride | Snow & Mechanica (Retro Remix)

  • 45:40 - Bass Boss (Retro Remix)

  • 55:08 - Top of the Mountain (Retro Remix)

  • 1:06:48 - Taking the Ball and Going Home

  • Closing - Legacy of War (Retro Remix)




I played the first level in the demo and that was enough for me to turn it off. The story stuff was weird, I couldn't see what was going on because there was too much on screen all blending together, and didn't really like the sound or aesthetic.

Michael and Titania Skidmore-Malone

Stuart, I’m a fan of puns like anyone. But that “conta-diction” joke was very contra-ived. For shame. 😒 (Also, enjoyed the episode as usual)


Just a small note regarding a physical release: Superdeluxe Games will be releasing one (and another quite reasonably priced Deluxe Edition) for the Japanese market at the beginning of September. Thank you for your valued opinions on the game. On my Switch, I've only been able to experience the demo, and I wholeheartedly agree with the general sentiment and John's critique in particular regarding this technical mess. Even on my Steam Deck (OLED), I'm struggling to maintain a stable 60 frames per second after the introductory level in the full game. It's a shame that issues like these, along with the game's visuals and pricing, dominate the overall discussion because the actual gameplay is quite solid and just plain fun, though not groundbreaking, when played on sufficiently powerful hardware. Update: I'm happy to report that the latest major patch has greatly improved performance on the Steam Deck. I also miss Jake Kaufman's contributions to WayForward's games and wonder if Megan McDuffee could be an option for future Shantae titles. Her wonderful soundtracks for the River City Girls games are, in my opinion, undoubtedly the best we've heard since Kaufman's departure from the studio's games. If nothing has changed, we can expect to hear new compositions by Kaufman in Mina the Hollower, which is another reason I'm eagerly anticipating the game's release.

John Barnes

The first trailer kind of put me off because the game looked rough, the subsequent trailers looked way better and got me super excited, then the Switch demo told me I'd better try this on another machine, so it's been a real up & down journey. As of last week there is/was a bundle deal on Steam celebrating the Operation Guns DLC for Vampire Survivors where you can get both that DLC and Galuga for just over $30. If it's not already over I need to go get in on it.