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Nadia: Dragon Quest VIII for the PlayStation 2 celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, and we (that is, Nadia Oxford and Good Vibes Gaming's Derrick Bitner) are beyond pumped to celebrate. All Dragon Quest games are great, but as the eighth installment reminds us, some games are greater than others. Not only did Dragon Quest VIII restore the franchise's bruised reception after the divisive Dragon Quest VII, it also brought the series into a fully 3D environment that still looks amazing, sounds great, and plays like a dream. And what better way to pay tribute to the late, great manga-ka Akira Toriyama than to gush about all the weird little guys he designed for this landmark RPG?

What makes Dragon Quest VIII such a solid game? How does it stand up to the current franchise king, Dragon Quest XI? And which version of the game should you play? Original? Mobile? Nintendo 3DS? We reveal all, like Jessica leaning in to administer a Puff-Puff.

Edits by Greg Leahy; art by Nick Wanserski

  • 06:39 - Overture

  • 13:30 - Heavenly Flight | Strange World

  • 23:15 - War Cry

  • 30:43 - Remembrances...

  • 40:23 - Defeat the Enemy

  • 46:09 - Chatting

  • 52:04 - Boogie-Woogie in the Bar

  • 58:36 - Memories of an Ancient Ocean

  • Closing - Great Battle in the Vast Sky




This was the first JRPG that kind of showed me what the genre meant. I was 9-10 or so when this came out, and I was an anxious scaredy cat lol. Luigis Mansion frightened me for reference 😂 I think something this game did so well that doesnt get enough credit, was how inviting and cozy atmosphere is. Being thrust into such an expansive world would feel so daunting in most other "open world" games at the time. Like they wanted you to always feel like the world is dangerous, that you should feel on edge. But not DQ8. Your path lies many enemies, and the world is on the brink of ruin. But, that doesn't detract so much from that this world is a beautiful place and that's all the reason you need as a player to save it. It's one of those rare games where it really nails that balance of maturity. Everyone and age range can enjoy it even today.

Patrick McClafferty

I love Dragon Quest 8 even if I always come to the versions late and have yet to finish it. I never got into the series for one reason or other when I was young but one day found a clearance copy of the PS2 version. Picked it up, enjoyed it but didn't get very far. Fast forward to many years later, having played more of the series (though finishing only spinoffs at that point) I found a copy of the 3DS version on clearance (which was very lucky as it turns out). I finally made an effort to play it to completion as part of a good luck charm for local sports (playing long games seemed to be good luck the previous season). Sadly since the team fizzled out my game has been stuck. Maybe I will finally finish the 3DS version in the coming months (I'm up to around when you fight Dhoulmagus).

Nuno Amaral

When DQ8 came out for ps2 I attempted to purchase the adorable DQ8 slime controller at gamestop. When I approached the counter, the employee told that I didn't want THAT controller and proceeded to pull out a black and purple monstrosity with, I believe, 3 skulls on it. I thought about it, but since I'm not a complete drooling moron, I opted for the slime controller. I don't know what became of that employee(something awful, I hope), but 20 years later I still have that cute little slime controller.

Michael Castleberry

Christ, I'm old lol I mean I know we didn't get it until 2005 in the states, but getting 20 years ago reminders for games I got as an actual adult is rough. I was selling appliances at Sears and living with roommates when I got DQVIII