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What's up patrons, it's your NB Diamond Feit. A lot's going down in April but before that happens, let's bid farewell to March with our monthly community podcast. Stuart Gipp and I run through your comments and feedback, talk about what we've been playing lately, and touch upon recent news.

Fair warning: if you listen to This Month in Retronauts around other people, Stu uses some salty language, particularly during the news segment. Also of importance, that segment is rather unpleasant because a lot of bad stuff transpired this month, so if you're not in a mood for us to bring you down you can skip from 1:11:41 to 1:26:11. Don't skip the closing minutes of the podcast, however, since I make a timely announcement and we have a new question for you to answer for next month's episode.

Specific items mentioned in this episode include:

Art & edits by Diamond (photo source). Music heard in this episode:

  • 17:05 "Red Wings" (Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection)

  • 30:00 "M.I.B. Closing Theme" (Men In Black: The Score)

  • 41:26 "Cool Shrine" (Shinobi, PS2)

  • 51:19 "Divine Bloodlines" (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)

  • 1:02:41 "Assassin Disco (Ninja Peach)" (Princess Peach: Showtime!)

  • 1:11:03 "Bosses Galore" (Super House Of Dead Ninjas)

  • 1:25:12 "DAN DAN 心魅かれてく" by Field of View

  • 1:35:48 "Wind Scene" (Chrono Trigger)

  • 1:51:23 "Find the Flame" (Final Fantasy XVI)

  • 2:03:56 "World" (The Maze of Galious)

  • Finale: "Le Pain Perdu" by Cibo Matto



Shrunken Shrine

As always, big thanks to Stuart for the shoutout about my roguelike deck-building chronology blog. Means the world. Question answer: I like a hot drink like green/barley tea with my games to unwind. I recently returned to the UK for holiday and came across these Yorkshire teabags (my preferred brand) that 'taste like jam on toast'. And blow me down, they do. They aren't even horrifically synthetic tasting or sweet. It's like drinking breakfast, just not through a tube. Big recc to go along with cozy gaming.


I generally don't eat or snack while playing games but if I must, say it's 3 am and I've been playing online with my friends and we're all drunk and hungry and crunching into each other's ears through the mics, the secret is chopsticks. Still not as good as eating with your hands though because I have some sort of disconnect where I need to feel the food in my hands in order to feel like I've truly eaten it and fully enjoyed it, but they get the job done.

Jeff Peterson

I’m glad y’all liked my response to last month’s episode with NIGORO and Zelda. My goal with the $100 tier is to chat about La-Mulana on Retronauts so I can spread more knowledge about this wonderful game and learn a bit more about the developers, especially with their current work on remaking Maze of Galious. I’m also looking forward to the localized Rose and Camellia game!


Firstly, thank you for recommending 20 Small Mazes! Immediately stopped the pod to go get that and didn't resume the pod until it was beaten. Loved it. Secondly, The TMiR QotW - I am not a natural snacker. The only time I'll snack while gaming is because something I'm doing (a multiplayer session that's going longer than expected, for example) is delaying my meal time to the point where I'm going to feel that slight nausea of hunger and it'll be distracting. The idea of juggling eating while holding a controller is just weird. But then, maybe I'M weird because I also don't like to eat while watching a movie, even in a cinema. To Diamond's point - if I'm eating, I want to focus on enjoying the intake of delicious food. I'm not here to graze. Maybe this is why I don't like chewing gum.

James Ryall

I am late to the party here, but littleterr0r speaks the truth! I love to snack, but I hate having any kind of grime on my hands while I'm on the couch, even if I'm only watching a movie. In the past three years, I realized other cultures had solved this dilemma centuries ago. Now I use chopsticks, and I can snack on virtually anything while gaming. Need to take a moment to reorganize Leon's attaché case? Perfect opportunity to pluck an Oreo from the tray. Skyrim hitting me with yet another load screen? Time to snag a few Cheetos from the bag! Kojima locking me in to another 30 minute cutscene? Better strap in and start munching on popcorn and Sour Patch Kids. And all the while, my hands remain immaculate. Sure, certain snacks are harder to eat with chopsticks than others. But we're gamers! We've all put an inordinate number of levels into our "Finger Dexterity" stat, so personally, I welcome the challenge.

Nuno Amaral

When I was a kid, every Friday I would have chicken strips and sour cream & chive jojos with my one weekly videogame rentals. Now, as a super mature adult, I don't want to grease up my controllers. Someone should invent a non sticky/greasy snack. AND DON'T SAY VEGETABLES. Vegetables don't count.

Diamond Feit

thank you Nuno, we'd already recorded by the time you posted this but I want you to know I read it.