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TL;DR version: Do I keep more realistic looking animations but with them taking  weeks or months to come out? or do I make more simple looking ones but with them coming out faster? 

Making stills will always be primarily what my content will consist of, but since I've had more and more time to familiarize myself with blender I've been wanting to push out more animations down the line since some ideas work better as moving images. However, my current gear is not exactly suited to manage all this strain, it works fine for the most part on still renders but struggles HEAVILY with animations often crashing or taking entire weeks.

The render engine I use in both my stills and animations is Cycles, for those of you who don't know the basic rundown is that it makes the light within the scene behave more like it would in real life: bouncing off of surfaces, scattering, creating noise, etc. 

In short, it makes for more realistic looking renders. The downside to Cycles is that since it has to generate so much info, it takes way longer to render, specially when it comes to animations and currently, my PC is not suited to render fast enough.

So I've been thinking about rendering my animations in another engine called Eevee (yes like the pokemon), it's overall less realistic and can be of tweaked to make it look kind of like cycles but it is much faster to render. This would make animations look a tiny bit "Faker" but they would come out a lot faster and maybe even allow me to render them in 1080p resolution


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