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So for those that haven't heard yet, it's looking very likely that Google is going to use any data you keep on their services (Drive, Docs, etc) and scrape it for their own uses in the future. Specifically for any movies they may try to make.... so following advice, I made the move to pull all my personal/important data from Google and make sure it was downloaded locally.

Now the problem.

I kept my scripts for certain projects in my GDocs, and for some reason I cannot find them ANYWHERE. I've searched through USBs and my external HDD, but nothing is coming up so far.

So it's LIKELY that I could've either hidden them so well from Google that even I can't find them. And we're well past the 30 day window in which they could've salvaged them ANYWAY...

The good news is, for MOST of the projects, I've not gotten a lot written up. I had mostly done key notes, and chunks of scripting. The most complete script (Ensnared) has already been complete, so no loss there. Health Potion #9 and Roxy's Hunt, I believe are the most affected by this loss currently.

I think I remember just enough of the premise of Roxy's Hunt to be able to replace what was lost. Health Potion #9 is about halfway done, and I also remember the major points I wanted to use... but just need to fill in the gaps between where I'm at and the ending.
Unfortunately, I may have lost the document with the titles and premises of the following comics that I want to make after HP9 is done, so... I guess I'll have to remember what I can and make up any new ones after.

Respite for Ewe seems to be (or at least a rough version) on my phone's notes, so no loss there. If I did upload it to GDrive, it's likely I hadn't edited it much yet. Or if I had, I don't remember lol

Finally, the Amy Rose comic was written more recently and is safe on my laptop. I'll let you guys know when I come up with an update and have some more news. 

I'm gonna finish being mad at myself for not being more careful and get back to drawing. ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR STUFF, PEOPLE!!!


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