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I guess I haven’t shown much of my Sonic projects, a lot of it is writing, but I mocked up a few designs I’ll start sharing out as I go.

So here’s a few of my designs for some villains earlier in Caine’s life, info below!


The dilapidated subway systems of Westopolis are a maze to most, and for those who don’t live there, it’s easy to get lost. By that luck, many people can go missing completely unnoticed; the transient nature of the city is the perfect cover.

The Pit is one such place that feeds on the lost. An arena for deadly bouts that entertain the place’s depraved patrons, this twisted circus regularly imprisons young citizens to play part until they fall. The Pit’s masters, dubbed “Chimera” by their prisoners, are each cruel and violent in their own way.

Byrke the Serpent - the brains of the operation. He serves as the master of ceremonies, announcer, and main “recruiter.”

Honey the Cat - the left hand of the Pit. She considers herself the reigning champion, as few to stand against her ever do so again.

Haer the Ram - the right hand of the Pit. A brutal enforcer. He keeps the fighters in line, sometimes to a lethal point.

Of the three, two will survive the fall of the Pit. Both on drastically different paths.

Caine is captured while looking for food, following a small group through the maze of corridors in hopes of snatching a quick score. When the room opens up into a noisy crowd gathering around a central arena, the young wolf forgets his stomach and gets lost in the spectacle of violence before him.

As he watches in awe, he doesn’t see the dark shapes behind him move to snatch him away. Hands clasp his mouth, stifling his screams for help. Caine is dragged behind a door, as a cloud of violet haze makes his eyes droop quickly… he will not see the sun again for many years to come…



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