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Ok, been a surprisingly busy month and I've gotta let you guys know::

> Running behind on art work
I'm struggling to keep up with things, due to some IRL things happening. As a result, I won't have a *new* image to add to the $10 tier's dropbox this month. The Ensnared thank you image will have to get pushed back for next month.
However, anyone on that tier will still get/have access to the comic folder.

> Ensnared Release
Thanks to the TOTK release coming early next month, I've been staggering uploads of Ensnared to generate interest both here and on Twitter. Another batch of pages will get posted here either tomorrow or the next day.

> Next Monthly comic
I've got a handful of projects I can shift the focus to, depending on what you all fancy most. Possibly doing a poll to determine interest, but if you guys have ideas or requests for me to try out for this, give me a shout!

> BIG IRL news
And now the big one; Ruby and I were just approved to buy an apartment today!!
This has been a loooong time coming for us and we lucked out by far, so there's gonna be a bit of stuff happening over the next.... 6-8 weeks possibly?
Depending on when we actually get the keys. Kinda crazy to think I'd ever own a home, let alone before I even hit 30... WOWIE. IM FRIGHTENED!

Uhhhh but yea i think that's it! SO

Thanks for reading, and thanks for all your support!


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