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The second comic for 2021 will feature Joel and is based on another short story written by Rogue.  It focuses on more intense macro/micro interaction and is going to be done in two parts, the second being created later in 2022.  If you remember some of the previous images with him, that's the motif the story will use.  

As a first for me, and those here, there will be an interactive element to this comic.  Specifically, there will be an auction (or poll, depending on the pandemic) to determine a new character in the second half.  If the auction format is used, the winner will get to help choose the direction the story goes in as well.

I know this is a fairly long timetable for these comics, but I hope you will look forward to them, nonetheless.  Thanks again for your support, everyone.




it's a very interesting idea !

George Gundelach

Will this comic be strictly macro/micro or will it involve some vore as well? Or undecided?


Sounds like it could be fun! I look forward to it! Which sketches?


There will be some AV in the first part, but I'm not sure what's going to happen in the second yet.


Well ain't he a dish~