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I have been thinking… I want your opinions and thoughts, what would you be interested to see about my stuff: products that I could make for sell, Patreon content or any other new things you think it could be interesting.

I’m needing on make more income, so thinking to get more patrons/stuff to sell.

You can write your opinions and thoughts, this is a public post :) 

thanks for your support ♥️



Jordan Lew

Well for one you could make some fmg comics!


So what type of content do you think, you could sell as a product? And is it something physical, like a t-shirt, with your own art on it.


Your work is always incredible, love your FMG animations the most but they are time consuming. Like the FMG comic idea mentioned as well. A lot of potential with your talent.


Thank you for your comment :) yeah animations are the hell of work, that's why normally are only for commissions. I would consider the comic idea, but maybe only in sketch quality, because my early attempt of Manga was so much time consuming and I was so slow do doing, so much details haha


Mmm I was thinking something more on the digital side... Maybe a mini comic, but I'm run out of ideas, that's why I ask for new ones hahaha As for physical items, I really don't know if there's public for that, do you think someone want a tshirt of my stuff? Haha that could be awesome tho. If you have more ideas, please share :)


Yeah, it could be like a t-shirt with some really cool art on it, that you made! And it doesn't need to be something that's over the top, with huge muscular women and such things. It could also be something else and more casual looking t-shirts, like something that has less nudity, in it! And for maybe other physical items, that could be cool! It could be a coffee mug with your own art on it. Or maybe a wall scrool with your art, to hang on the wall. :)


Haha thank you for your ideas! Yeah there are some printable things available as a merch, but I don't know what I could do as the image, since my stuff if erotic related xD. I would like to ask: what would you image as something I could do that you would like to be interested in to purchase?


Not easy to come up with something, that is not too erotic. But how about a t-shirt, that has some erotic-ness, to it. Like this one t-shirt, that i bought on a site called (Fakku), where you can buy, some real and erotic anime merch! I can show you one really cool t-shirt, that I bought from them, that is not too erotic looking, that i like to wear and even outside! :) And here is a link of the same t-shirt, that I have and wear too. https://www.google.com/search?q=t-shirts+fakku+quit+game&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjj6ZP3yPLxAhWN6CoKHVBgD_oQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=t-shirts+fakku+quit+game&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoECCMQJ1DICljYWmDuWmgBcAB4AIAB1ASIAfcUkgEIMy4xNS41LTGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=Bj33YONOjdGrAdDAvdAP&bih=598&biw=360&prmd=isvn#imgrc=a0RZBKEgg7kR2M