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Nathan emerged from the bathroom, damp but not wet, a towel wrapped around his slightly chubby waist. He paused at the threshold to turn on the bathroom fan and then stepped out into the hallway. The carpet pressed against his bare feet as he walked. Halfway to his bedroom he stopped again, frowned, and then cautiously sniffed the air. A faint yet unmistakable scent - floral, combining the soft, relaxing sweetness of roses with the spicy undertone of hyacinths - was wafting through the apartment.

"What the...?" murmured Nathan. He took another, longer whiff. "No way..." he said nervously. "Maybe...I left a window open?"

Nathan walked over to his bedroom and opened the door.

"Ah, there you are."

Nathan yelped and staggered back against the opposite wall.

Melinanatha was in his room lounging on his unmade bed. She had eschewed her human disguise for her full, eight-foot tall scaly green draconic glory. She wore a garment much like the one she had when Nathan first met her - a wide-skirted sundress decorated with complex geometric needlework. Only this dress was red rather than white and its embroidery was far more intricate. The fabric it was made from also possessed a velvety sheen. But like just about anything she wore it struggled to contain her almost ridiculous curves and powerful muscles. Her soccer ball-sized breasts, in particular, looked ready to burst or pop out of her dress any moment. Ruby earrings dangled from her elfin ears and a trio of thin golden necklaces hung from her neck. Her long, luxurious black hair spilled out from head and curled around her ample chest. Her reptilian yet remarkably gorgeous face was presently locked in an irritated scowl.

Nathan goggled at her, his chest rising and falling. He absently reached down to grip the hem of his folded towel.

"Your people are certainly thorough in their ablutions," remarked Melinanatha, resting her head on her hand. "I mean it not as an insult, but it is rude to keep a Lady waiting."

"Wha-...what are you doing here?" cried Nathan, his face reddening.

"Why so bewildered, Nathan?" replied Melinanatha. "This is hardly the first time I have graced you with an unannounced visit."

"Yeah but...but..." Nathan gestured wildly with his one free hand "This is my room! You can't just...teleport in here whenever you want! We've talked about this."

"We are engaged, are we not?"

"Yes! Technically! But come on, Melinanatha. You could have waited outside or..." he trailed off "...You could have messaged me first!"

"I did, in fact, send a missive," said Melinanatha. "When no reply was forthcoming - not the first time this has happened, I might add - I solicited Mythic Matches to transport me to you forthwith."

Nathan shivered. Goosebumps were forming along his arms and legs. A droplet of water dribbled from his moist hair and trickled down his back. He glanced past Melinanatha at the chest of drawers in the corner of his room.

"Hang on, can you let me get dressed?" he asked.

Melinanatha waved a claw.

"Go ahead," she said.

Nathan just stood there for a couple of seconds.

"Do you mind...uh...?"

Melinanatha's annoyed expression finally changed. She grinned mischievously.

"But Nathan, we are engaged," she purred, leaning forward. "There is no need for such modesty."

Nathan's already flushed face went beet red. For a moment, he seriously contemplated calling her bluff before realizing the dragoness was absolutely not bluffing. His eyes drifted to her mammoth breasts - they resembled twin red balloons inflated to the point of bursting - and down along her soft stomach and massive muscular thighs. He bit his lower lip, and then exhaled.

"Come on, Melinanatha," he managed, almost whimpering. "Can you please step outside so I can get dressed?"

Melinanatha rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically.

"Oh, very well, my pet," she said, already rising.

The mattress springs groaned in relief as she stood. Nathan quickly backed away as it became apparent she would not (or rather, could not) move around him. As Melinanatha approached the doorway she furled her bat-like wings, bent low and ducked underneath it. Suddenly, she stopped midway. She glanced back, looking mildly annoyed. Nathan risked a closer look and saw to his astonishment that her bottom half had gotten stuck in the doorframe. Before he could do or say anything, Melinanatha wiggled her hips and then thrust her body forward, pulling herself free from the door with an almost cartoonish 'schloop' sound. Acting as though nothing had happened, Melinanatha turned and haughtily strode down the hall towards the living room, tail swaying.

Nathan eventually managed to tear his gaze away. He hurried into his room, shut the door and locked it. Heart still pounding, he tossed the towel on his bed and hastily donned a pair of boxers, jeans, a white T-shirt and a short-sleeve sport shirt, all the time trying to ignore the lingering flowery aroma.

When he emerged from his room he found Melinanatha lying on his living room sofa (though it was acting more like an undersized chaise longue under her ponderous bulk). Nathan glanced nervously at the windows and wondered if he should close the shades. He was still a little hazy on the confidentiality clauses in the Mythic Matches user agreement but he was fairly certain he was obliged to keep the existence of the Realms of Shaltae and its inhabitants a secret from those who didn't own the app.

"Will the gentleman deign to speak with me now?" said Melinanatha sardonically. She shifted her weight on the sofa. A distressing wooden creak filled the air.

"Yeah, yeah," said Nathan. He frowned. "Look, you didn't interrupt a midterm or yank me from a party this time, but you've got to stop pulling shit like this. You don't have to visit me every time you have a question about some trade deal. That's what texts are for."

Melinanatha snorted.

"That contrivance is so...impersonal, informal," she said. "And watch your tongue," she snapped suddenly. "I will only tolerate your impudence to a point. Need I remind that I am scion of the Eastern Regent and dominatrix of the peak of Valt?"

She did not snarl or bare her teeth but her tone was uncharacteristically harsh. Nathan felt - for the first time in a while in her presence - a slight tremor of fear.

Melinanatha took a deep breath, exhaled, and continued in a more measured voice.

"I did not come seeking counsel on pecuniary matters. Nor was my decision to cross into your realm a mere whim. This concerns our...agreement - our betrothal." She paused. "Two days ago I received a letter from my sire and dam - Lord Girgnasharak and Lady Saskalisssundra, dominators of the Eesek Mountains. In it they declared their intention to journey to Northcliff to visit their daughter..." Melinanatha cleared her throat "...And meet their future son-in-law."

Nathan stared at Melinanatha. She actually seemed to shrink a little under his astonished gaze.

"I know not how they learned of our impending nuptials," she continued, a modicum of unease creeping into her voice. "I made no proclamations and bade my servant speak of it to no-one. We are betrayed, Nathan of the house Veles. It is the only explanation. I have suspected that a spy infests my domain for some time - likely an agent of the Trading House of the Green Claw. Pah! I nearly ordered the lot of them executed after I read the letter!" She paused to regain her composure and then nodded at Nathan. "This is why I came to your realm - here we can discuss this quandary free of prying eyes and ears."

Nathan opened his mouth and then shut it. It felt as though his mind had gone numb. Up until now their engagement had been as abstract and distant as a constellation of stars.

"They are due to arrive tomorrow afternoon, perhaps sooner," said Melinanatha. "It is a five day journey from Asheraki Castle to Northcliff. This means they arranged to have the letter sent afterthey left the Eesek Mountains. In the courts of the Eastern Regent, gatherings such as this one are customarily planned weeks in advance. I know not why they act with such haste. Perhaps they are simply eager to meet you or, by not giving us time to prepare, mean to test us in some way." She sighed. "I suspect my mother has a claw in this."

"So...what do we do?" croaked Nathan after a brief silence.

"We meet them, of course," said Melinanatha matter-of-factly. "They are my sire and dam. They have every right to know their future son-in-law. Is it not the same in your world?"

"Usually. More or less," admitted Nathan. Then, something occurred to him. "Uh, what if they don't approve of me? You know, don't give me their blessing?" he asked in a voice somehow both fearful and hopeful.

"I very much doubt they will approve of our union," sighed Melinanatha.

"Because I'm not, you know, a dragon...Draco?"

"...In part," said Melinanatha, wincing. "It is rare for Draco nobility to wed other races and certainly looked askance at. But it is not forbidden." She gave Nathan a look. "Come now, Nathan, you may be a fool, but you are an intelligent one. Would I pursue marriage with one of your kind if such a union were impossible?"

Nathan's higher brain functions, having finally recovered from the shock of Melinanatha's unexpected revelations, finally stirred to life.

"Maybe you would if it gave you some political advantage."


"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the whole point of our fake engagement?"

"It is not fake, Nathan," said Melinanatha quietly.

"Right, right," said Nathan wearily. "We're just going to get divorced as soon as possible. The engagement is real, but the marriage isn't."

"Our engagement and marriage is and will be quite real," said Melinanatha defiantly. "We have simply agreed to...certain limitations."

"Tomato, to-mah-to, at the end of the day it's all still just a lie."

"Why must you be so...spiteful?"

"Because I don't know what's really going on, Melinanatha!" cried Nathan, throwing out his arms. "All I know is that you need to marry someone from Earth. You've never explained why. Well, I'm about to meet your parents who, by your own admission, will not like me and apparently like to play games. I have no idea how to handle them. Oh, and there's probably a spy in your castle. Is it connected to your financial problems? Is it something else? I have no fucking clue because you never tell me anything I need to know until the last minute." He took a deep breath. "If this is going to work I need to know more. No, I need the whole story. Right now."

Melinanatha stared at him through wide, quivering eyes. Nathan shut his mouth, lowered his arms and shifted his gaze, feeling a pang of guilt. Several awkward seconds ticked by. Then, Melinanatha sat up on the couch. Nathan saw her wipe something from her right eye before speaking.

"Cruel your words may be, you have a point," she said quietly. She gave him a bitter look. "Perhaps I did not wish to tax your already haggard mind with the fate of my domain. Or..." her expression softened "Perhaps I did not want to dwell upon the future." She nodded. "Regardless, I agree. It is time you learned the truth."

Melinanatha gestured at a nearby wooden padded chair that Nathan rarely used. Understanding, Nathan walked over, picked up the chair, carried it over and put it down facing her.

"Where to begin...?" murmured Melinanatha as Nathan took a seat. "I suppose this tangled skein winds back to my family's feudal duties to a domain in the Pine-Marches. We - that is, my parents - are vassals of this domain. Every generation we are obligated to provide them with a suitable mate for one of their daughters or sons. We have done this for many hundreds of years. As our vassals they provide us with a yearly tax of fifty and one-hundred lancs."

"Hold on," interrupted Nathan, raising a hand. "Your family is their vassal?"


"But you just said that they're your family's vassals," said Nathan, confused. "They even send you a hundred-and-fifty lancs every year."

Melinanatha sighed.

"Feudal duties in the Kingdom of the Eastern Regent are far more nuanced and sophisticated than those in other lands," she said, a touch haughtily. "To be the vassal of another domain may only oblige one to pay a yearly scutage or, say, honor droit de gîte. Sometimes even less. One family to the north consists of a single male scion yet claims ten other domains - including two very powerful ones - as its vassals. Yet the poor Draco lives alone in a small hovel along the edge of a forest, scratching a living cutting wood and picking mushrooms because the feudal duties of these ten domains amount to practically nothing. In other cases vassal obligations may be far more demanding. And while it is uncommon, yes, domains may be each others' vassals. It is a summation of many ancient agreements, pacts, compromises and treaties that long ago welded innumerable quarreling Draco clans into a unified realm under the Eastern Regent."

"Uh, stupid question, but who or what is the Eastern Regent?"

"The wisest and most powerful Draco of the Realms - the great patriarch," replied Melinanatha reverently. "All dragons, kobolds, Draco, True Draco and Kin are his sons and daughters."

"...Okay," said Nathan for lack of a better response.

"To continue," said Melinanatha. "Phisaetrisla, my younger sister and only broodmate, was betrothed to Coskitrask, current ruler of this domain. However..." she lowered her head "She perished less than half-a-year ago. Died of some illness of the heart."

"Oh, I'm...sorry," said Nathan, taken aback.

"She was kinder and more naive than her sister," said Melinanatha. She shook her head. "Yet she did not deserve Coskitrask."

"Not the nicest guy, I take it."

Melinanatha snarled.

"I could cast every vile curse I know, exhaust every available slur; excoriate him until hoarse yet it would not be enough. He is more creature than Draco - scheming, petty, miserly, cruel, utterly without remorse, scruples or honor. Alas, his family is wealthy and his domain vast. His favor is curried by many, even his enemies."

"I think I know where this is going," said Nathan glumly. "With your sister gone, you had to take her place."

"Yes, but as I said, it is complicated. Upon my namesday my sire, as is custom in our family, granted me domain over an outlying fiefdom - the peak of Valt, Northcliff and Snail's Rest. This was before Phisaetrisla's passing. Although I am vassal to my parent's domain I am still a dominatrix. And, by decree of the Eastern Regent himself, no domain may make a demand of another domain except when proscribed by vassal obligation. I must pay my parents a yearly tallage and provide soldiers should conflict ever arise, but this is the extent of my feudal duties. Therefore, they cannot force me to wed that lout, which is fortunate as I would forfeit my domain and chattel to him." She grimaced. "Ordinarily, a dominator and dominatrix share all holdings, but the pact between my family and Coskitrask's stipulates that the spouse surrenders everything they own upon being wed. Thus my family sends second, third or even fourth sons or daughters - typically prepossessing and charismatic ones without a head for ruling."

"Like your sister," said Nathan. "Uh, no offense."

"None taken, Nathan," said Melinanatha. "I doted on Phisaetrisla but she would not have made a good dominatrix." She sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if her death was a mercy in disguise; I do not even want to imagine what Coskitrask would have done to that poor thing. In any event, I cannot be forced to marry him by vassal obligation. However, I am still expected to honor the wishes of my sire and dam. By refusing their demand to marry him I broke with traditions older than the kingdom - unwritten laws, which, in some ways, are stronger than the word of the Eastern Regent himself."

"Your parents still want you to marry this guy?" asked Nathan. "Don't they know he's a, well, complete asshat?"

Melinanatha stared at him for a few seconds. Then, she laughed.

"Asshat!" she chortled. "Oh Nathan, such a crude yet delicious slight! I must remember it." She cleared her throat. "Yes, they know he is a cur, a cad, and an 'asshat' but fear him - his influence, his wealth and his hold over my family. So despite knowing they would lose yet another daughter they insisted I honor our ancient pact and wed him." She paused. "I...do not hate them for this. They only seek to protect our ancestral domain. Yet, I could not acquiesce." She smiled toothily. "So I brought the matter before the Vassal Council."

She waited for his response. Nathan just sat there, bemused.

"Ah," she sighed. "I forgot how little you know of the Realms. The Vassal Council is a ruling body second only to the Eastern Regent in authority. Their responsibilities are manifold, including mediating disputes between domains, particularly when conflicts of vassal obligation arise. But their judgment is rarely sought. For you see, it is very difficult to predict their decisions. They interpret myriad complex laws that stretch back millennia. Many of these laws are quite archaic and never actually enforced unless the Council is prompted to make a ruling. There are tales of powerful domains that petitioned the council in some petty quarrel only to be dissolved after the Council declared their very existence violated some ancient decree. They are, in short, the last resort of the desperate or foolish. Or brave," she added quickly.

"...So, what happened?" asked Nathan, spellbound.

"A stalemate," said Melinanatha. "The Council conceded that, as I am a dominatrix and my vassalship does not grant my sire and dam the power to dictate who I wed, I could not be forced to marry Coskitrask. However, were I to marry anyone but Coskitrask it would be a betrayal of my brood and family. I would be stripped of my domain, chattel and title and banished from the kingdom."

Nathan silently considered all this.

"So where do I fit in?" he asked. "If you marry me you'll still lose everything."

"Ah, I neglected to mention the loophole," said Melinanatha, almost gleefully. "The exact words of the Council were 'Should Melinanatha of the brood of Saskalisssundra and Girgnasharak, dominatrix of the peak of Valt, Northcliff and all surrounding holdings wed anyone in the Realms of Shaltae other than Coskitrask of the brood of Hlavani and Gogornaskiff, dominator of the Eastern Pine-Marches, then she shall be stripped of her domain, chattel...' and so on and so forth," she finished, waiving a claw impatiently in the air.

"Anyone in the...ohhh!"

"Yes," said Melinanatha, nodding. "A loyal attendant - Kelscrim, I believe - spoke of a curious ritual through which one could commune with beings from beyond the nether. Beings not of the Realms."

"That's why you were looking for a husband on Mythic Matches," breathed Nathan as realization dawned. He hesitated. "Hang on. Couldn't you just...not marry anyone? And what about your parents? They still have to give this guy a wife."

"By wedding someone I would deny Coskitrask even the possibility of taking my domain, for my family's pact with his explicitly states that the son or daughter we proffer cannot be a widow, widower or divorcee. He could no longer pressure us; only punish. However, the pact is curiously silent on what would befall my family should we fail our obligation. Coskitrask could seek recompense but there is no precedent. The payment would need to be negotiated, which could take years. He could, of course, petition the Vassal Council for summary judgment, but he does not have the nerve," added Melinanatha, somewhat smugly. "Marrying another would also strengthen my position as an independent dominatrix. I had also hoped to find a useful ally in a potential mate - one intelligent, wise in the ways of commerce, for reasons I hope are now plain to you."

Melinanatha shrugged.

"And that, as you say, is the whole story."

Nathan sat there, digesting all that Melinanatha had told him. There were so many moving parts, so many bends and turns; so many edges suggesting there was more at play. He gazed over at Melinanatha and, after a moment's assessment, concluded she was indeed telling him all that she knew.

"This is some serious Game of Thrones shit," he muttered.


"Nothing." He hesitated. "Er, maybe I should show you some episodes one of these days," he added absently. He cleared his throat. "So...your parents want to meet me. Why?"

"Most likely to appraise your merits as a future consort and member of the family," sighed Melinanatha. "Once they have determined you are unworthy they shall say so - loudly - berate me, possibly threaten you and then leave."

"Maybe they just want to see if I actually exist," said Nathan, shrugging. "I mean, have they even heard of humans? I know there aren't any of us in the Realms of Shaltae. Except for visitors like me."

"Er...I do not know if they are aware of your people," said Melinanatha uncomfortably. "In fact, their message implied they think you are Draco."


"As is custom, the message was written in High Draconic - the language of the court," she explained. "The word they used when referring to you is a term rarely applied to other races. A rough translation would be 'distant notable' or 'acceptable commoner' depending upon the context. Whoever smuggled news of our engagement to them does not know you are human or did not think it worth mentioning. I find the former more likely."

"Well then, they're certainly going to be in for a shock," said Nathan, shaking his head. "I'm guessing I'm not exactly prime son-in-law material to them."

Melinanatha said nothing, but her expression shifted. Subtly.


"There...is a way we might ameliorate their reaction," she said carefully. She dipped her claw-like hand into the neck of her dress and retrieved a small glass vial holding a purple liquid.

"What's that?" said Nathan, cocking his head.

"I commissioned this potion - at great cost, I might add - from a local alchemist-adept," said Melinanatha. "Drink it and you will assume the form of a Draco. Temporarily."

Nathan stared at the tiny thing.

"You've got to be kidding me," he croaked.

"Even disguised as one of my kind you could not pass for a noble," continued Melinanatha, either oblivious or indifferent to Nathan's overt distress. "Instead, you will pose as a journeyman-merchant of an independent trading house - close enough to the truth to be a convincing lie."

"I'm...not really sure I'm comfortable with this, Melinanatha."

"Your comfort is irrelevant," said Melinanatha firmly. "This is a delicate matter and we need every advantage we can muster. The more accepting my parents are of our union, the more inclined they will be to fight Coskitrask. And the less likely they will be to yell at me. And, as I said, I spent a considerable sum on this potion. I used to procure these philters from Mythic Matches at no cost but I have exhausted my favor with them." She pouted. "I had to sell the Valen blackstone raccoon you gave me."

"Oh, er," said Nathan. "Sorry."

"And I was so close to reassembling it!"

Nathan swallowed.

"So, they're coming tomorrow," he said. "I'll need to leave in the morning."

"No, you are leaving with me now," said Melinanatha. "Zeszintha and I must use what little time we have before their arrival to teach you court etiquette."

"Oh come on!"

"You needn't be perfect," continued Melinanatha, again ignoring his protests. "In fact, it would be more keeping with the character of a young but wealthy journeyman-merchant to know only the basics of courtly protocol. To be entirely ignorant of them, however, would be unacceptable."

Nathan slumped back in his chair. "Any chance this is just some joke you're playing on me?" he muttered.

"None. I am quite serious."

"And how long is this going to last? I have finals coming up, y'know."

"Liar!" snapped Melinanatha. "You told me you finished your final exams a week ago and still have a week's holiday before instruction resumes."

"Can't blame a guy for trying," sighed Nathan. "Seriously, how long will they be visiting?

"At least a day. Several more likely."

"Fantastic," said Nathan. He rose from his seat. "Alright, just lemme grab my phone and power bank. I'd like to be able to contact Mythic Matches while I'm over there."

"First, drink," said Melinanatha, holding out the vial.

Nathan silently took it and regarded it. The vial was only a couple inches long and almost as thin as a pencil. It felt strangely warm in his hand. Nathan wondered if this was due to its magical properties before realizing it had been pressed up against Melinanatha's bosom. It even faintly smelled of her.

"Come now, Nathan," chided Melinanatha. "I have used the same potion many times before when visiting your world. It is only fair."

Nathan twisted the stopper off and gazed down.

"Is it going to hurt?" he asked nervously.

"Not at all."

He grimaced, raised the vial to his lips and then paused.

"Hang on," he said. He looked down at his clothes. "Should I, uh, take my clothes off first? I'm guessing I'll be a lot bigger when-"

"Your clothes will alter to fit your new form," said Melinanatha irritably. "Stop stalling!"

Nathan shut his eyes and drank the potion. Curiously, the liquid seemed to evaporate the second it touched his tongue, leaving only a strange, tingly metallic taste.

Second later, a peculiar sensation spread from his throat all the way down to his toes. It was as though his entire body had been changed into cool water. He shuddered; the feeling, though not unpleasant, was a bit disconcerting. He happened to glance down at his left wrist and noticed it had acquired a greenish tinge. Nathan lifted both his hands and watched in astonishment as they grew larger and larger accompanied by a painless stretching sensation. Tiny imbricate scales started to form along every square inch of his skin. He noticed that the ceiling seemed to be getting lower. A quick glance up and around the room, however, made him realize that he was growing taller. When he looked back down at his body his chest and pectorals had widened considerably as well. Nathan shifted his shoulders and arms. His clothing felt tight but it appeared to be growing with him just as Melinanatha had assured. Then, his vision blurred. He was struck with a momentary wave of vertigo as his nose and jaw elongated and morphed into a reptilian beak. Nathan gasped in shock and gripped his transfigured face with his clawed hand, feeling the alien sensation of scale rubbing scale. Suddenly, three sharp pressures formed along his shoulders and tailbone. Nathan reached behind as though to stem whatever was happening to him but before he could do anything a long scaly tail slithered out from his backside. He groaned - not from pain but because the experience had been embarrassingly satisfying, almost pleasurable. Just as he was coming to grips with his new appendage, a pair of bat-like wings sprouted from his shoulders through holes that had formed in his T-shirt and overshirt. His wings rapidly grew until they were wider than he was tall. He flapped them a few times, reveling in the sensation of air running through and against their leathery membranes, before folding them back. Then, the weird energy dissipated from his transformed body. The potion had done its job.

"Holy shit," murmured Nathan in awe. His voice had not changed apart from a slight sibilance. He flexed his scaly fingers and massaged his left and right biceps. He felt bigger, heavier, and certainly stronger. His vision had sharpened; everything around him appeared cleaner, crisper.

"Oh, my."

Nathan remembered that he wasn't alone. He slowly looked over at Melinanatha. The dragoness was staring wide-eyed at his altered form with an almost voracious grin. Nathan spied a tiny glimmer of drool in the corner of her mouth.

"Suddenly I do not regret losing the blackstone raccoon," she said. "As much."


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