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Here is early access to Thursday episode! Please enjoy investors! :)



stop this awfull background "music" !!


It makes sense what you said about pressureizing Zelenski to a deal. I don't think he should even think about it. It could mean Russia is starting to run out of resources. If that's the case, Ukraine should increase the devastated pounding until Putin says that's enough. I agree, what started in Crimea should end in Crimea.


No! No, no. Zelensky needs to stay, y'all fight for YOUR land and my country better step up to the plate and provide Ukraine with the weapons needed to win against Russia. I truly believe Biden wants this too. He is just being challenged by the MAGA idiots continuously and, i believe, is being pushed in different directions by his own administration.. Once Trump loses his so-called power then so will the MAGA legislators. It just takes time (and the court system) and I know Ukraine doesn't have alot of time. It is soooooo frustrating for us minions in the US!!


Somehow I just HOPE that Putin want to attact NATO. We need fresh troops on the ground and there are alot waiting in germany and polan.