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Here is early access to Wednesday episode! Please enjoy investors! :)



Of course the American says the corruption in Ukraine is transparently obvious while Biden is no more than a organ grinder monkey shaking a cup at the taxpayers as his paymasters laugh and jerk on the chain to make him stutter and cough. That question rarely gets asked and the rage it demands of all of us simmers inside. They ain't seen nuttin' yet.


A close friend of mine joined the U.S. Navy in the mid-eighties. On the first shore leave of their first deployment they got VERY drunk and decided to get tattoos like "real men of the sea" have. My friend passed out in a chair after explaining the tattoo he wanted to the tattoo artist while waiting for his turn. He woke up the next day WITH A TATTOO OF A BARBOR'S POLE ON HIS... AH... SHALL WE SAY, MISSLE SHAPED POLE? If you've ever had a tatto then you know how badly the scabbing can itch before the tatto heals. Especially if you're standing at attention in a formation on a hot deck while sweating your stones off. Which is how he ended up with the call sign RAKER. Everyone who had no idea how he got that call sign thought it was a really cool one. Those who knew the story just grinned and tried not to laugh when noobs were impressed by it. Next, try to imagine how drunk any women have to be before they'll let him anywhere near them with "that thang". Needless to say he didn't get a lot of women outside of paid professionals. He considered having the tattoo "removed" (read as burned off with a laser) until he was told he would probably need a skin graft after the removal process had been completed. So he was stuck with it. FOR LIFE. He DID get married years later. And when he did all of us were very sure that his new wife must have REALLY loved him. And we must have been right. All of us are retired now, and his girl is still with him. Just shows how much a woman is willing to overlook when she's truely in love. God bless the girls!