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Here is early access to Saturday episode! Please enjoy investors and have a good weekend! :)



I have held this thought all along, had dog shit face, aka pooh dick head taint have gone after just military positions from the start, instead of attacking civilian towns, this invasion would have most likely turned out very much different, and what the hell, fire a nuke into belaruse and blame the ukranians, all the while, in the smoke of the aftermath, he would have justified to the world his nuke response, i mean, what the fuck is going to take place? just another war crime to add to his warrents.


and what the fuck, there are many special operation teams that are more than able to get in, extract him, and stand his stumpy little ass in front of the un, or wherever the hell the warrents are generated from. this is so much bull shit. take the little stack of donkey shit to answer for the crimes instead of playing at the ongoing investigation horse shit